Rokas Pukštas

Moderatorius: Respublik

Pranešimai: 8734
Užsiregistravo: 2015 Bal 02 17:57

Re: Rokas Pukštas

2022 Vas 07 09:31

Pukštas vėl liko ant suolo.

V.Dambrauskas Kroatijoje nestabdo: skaudžiai nuliūdino buvusį klubą ... 24-1638312

Įspūdingą pergalę Kroatijos čempionate šeštadienio vakarą iškovojo Valdo Dambrausko treniruojamas Splito „Hajduk“ klubas, net 4:0 svečiuose sutriuškinęs „Gorica“ ekipą.

Kaip žinia, Velika Goricos komandą V.Dambrauskas treniravo prieš išvykdamas į Bulgariją.

Du įvarčius nugalėtojams vėl pelnė komandos lyderis Marko Livaja, po kartą pasižymėjo Ferro ir Janas Mlakaras.

Po antros iš eilės pergalės „Hajduk“ pakilo į antrąją poziciją ir dviem taškais atsilieka nuo lyderės Zagrebo „Dinamo“. Tiesa, pastaroji dar yra sužaidusi rungtynėmis mažiau.

Golubickas priešininkų sudėty irgi liko ant suolo.

Pranešimai: 10887
Užsiregistravo: 2010 Vas 10 15:14
Palaikoma komanda: Šiauliai

Re: Rokas Pukštas

2022 Vas 14 17:20


Lietuvos vyrų nacionalinės rinktinės treneris Valdas Ivanauskas ir LFF techninis direktorius Reinholdas Breu praėjusią savaitę lankėsi Kroatijoje, kur susitiko su Splito „Hajduk“ klube dirbančiais lietuviais.

V. Ivanauskas ir R. Breu ne tik susitiko su vyriausiuoju „Hajduk“ treneriu Valdu Dambrausku bei sporto direktoriumi Mindaugu Nikoličiumi, tačiau stebėjo ir jaunąjį lietuvių kilmės talentą Roką Pukštą.

Jaunimo UEFA čempionų lygoje Splito klubo jaunimo komanda namuose rungtyniavo su Madrido „Atletico“ bendraamžiais. Kovoje dėl patekimo į varžybų aštuntfinalį pagrindinis laikas baigėsi lygiosiomis 0:0, o nugalėtojas sprendėsi baudinių serijoje.

Ten sėkmė šypsojosi svečiams iš Ispanijos – jie baudinių seriją laimėjo 3:2 ir žengė tarp šešiolikos stipriausių turnyro komandų. Baudinių serijoje nuo žymos smūgiavo ir R. Pukštas, deja, jo smūgis tikslo nepasiekė.

Rokas Pukštas – 17-metis lietuvių kilmės futbolininkas, kurio tėtis Mindaugas – buvęs Lietuvos olimpietis, 2004-ųjų Atėnų olimpinėse dalyvavęs ilgų nuotolių bėgikas, o mama Živilė – daugkartinė Lietuvos trišuolio čempionė.

JAV gimęs ir augęs R. Pukštas 2020-ųjų metų vasarą pirmą kartą persikėlė į Europą. Visų pirma jis rungtyniavo klubo septyniolikmečių komandoje, o vėliau persikėlė į devyniolikmečių grupę. Sparčiai tobulėjantis futbolininkas kelis kartus jau buvo registruotas ir „Hajduk“ pagrindinėje komandoje, tačiau debiuto Kroatijos aukščiausioje lygoje dar nesulaukė.

R. Pukštas yra sužaidęs penkerias rungtynes už JAV 15-mečių rinktinę bei du sykius draugiškose rungtynėse vilkėjo JAV 20-mečių rinktinės marškinėlius.

Pranešimai: 10887
Užsiregistravo: 2010 Vas 10 15:14
Palaikoma komanda: Šiauliai

Re: Rokas Pukštas

2022 Kov 04 15:42


The talented 17-year-old midfielder Rokas Pukštas signed a contract with Hajduk until 2025 today. Rokas is currently a member of the Whites junior team for which he has made twenty official appearances this season and scored a total of eight goals. Since the beginning of the season, he has occasionally trained with the first team, and in Hajduk he will wear the number 21 jersey.

Pukstas was born on August 25, 2004 in Stillwater, Oklahoma, and began coaching football at the Kansas Academy / Barca Academy in the United States. He arrived in Poljud in 2020 and since then he has developed through the selections of the HNK Hajduk Academy "Luka Kaliterna". Since the beginning of this season, he became a member of the U-20 national team of the USA, for which he made two official appearances.

- Rokas is a player who was brought by the club in the selection process through talent scouting in 2020, and in the period spent in our Academy so far he has made significant progress in all segments of the football game. According to all the characteristics he shows on the field, but also off it, he is a quality, developmental and promising player. A modern profile of a central and offensive midfielder. He will need a certain period of adaptation to senior football, ie a planned introduction to the game in certain games, but this process will probably not be long due to his playing qualities and mental characteristics - said sports director Mindaugas Nikoličius .

- I am very happy, this is just the beginning of the journey, a signature on paper, nothing will change for me. I will continue to work and train with the same enthusiasm, giving everything for this Club that has the best fans in Europe. I am not saying this for no reason but because we all feel their enormous support, this was especially evident in the match with Atletico Madrid and after. I want to continue to develop here and help Hajduk win. Since my first day at Poljud, I have great support from all people, from coaches to employees, I feel at home here and I want to give it back to Hajduk in the right way - said Pukštas after signing the contract.

Congratulations Rokas, we wish you good luck and success in a white jersey!

Pranešimai: 8734
Užsiregistravo: 2015 Bal 02 17:57

Re: Rokas Pukštas

2022 Kov 09 17:10

Pagaliau Ivanauskas išjudino LFF atsibusti, ką jau reikėjo daryti virš dešimtmečio. Na bent jau turi įtakos.

Lietuvos rinktinės trenerio radare – lietuviškų šaknų turintys talentai iš garsių Europos klubų ... 24-1650972

Lietuvos futbolas leidžiasi į naujus medžioklės plotus. Nacionalinei rinktinei stringant pasaulio ir Europos čempionatų atrankos varžybose, Lietuvos futbolo federacijos svarbiausių asmenų žvilgsniai krypsta į užsienio šalyse žaidžiančius talentus.

Pagrindinis šių dienų LFF taikinys – Rokas Pukštas. 17-etis saugas gimė Oklahomoje Lietuvos lengvaatlečių šeimoje. Futbolininko tėtis Mindaugas buvo žinomas maratonininkas ir atstovavo Lietuvai 2004-ųjų Atėnų olimpinėse žaidynėse. Mama Živilė – daugkartinė Lietuvos trišuolio čempionė.

Sportininko kelią pasirinko ir abiejų atletų atžala. Savo karjerą Rokas pradėjo Arizonoje esančiame „Barcelona“ klubo filiale, vėliau žaidė Kanzas Sičio akademijoje. Prieš keletą metų R.Pukštas laikytas vienu didžiausių JAV futbolo talentų. Su šios šalies penkiolikmečių komanda jis žaidė CONCACAF zonos pirmenybėse, buvo rinktinės kapitonas. Nors save laiko kur kas labiau amerikiečiu nei lietuviu, Rokas šaknų su Lietuva nėra nukirtęs. Vaikystėje jis su tėvais neretai grįždavo į Lietuvą, vasaromis netgi treniruodavosi su Kėdainių „Nevėžio“ komanda.

2020-ųjų rugsėjį Roko karjera staiga pakeitė trajektoriją. Futbolininkas persikėlė per Atlantą ir įsiliejo į didžiausio Kroatijos klubo Splito „Hajduk“ sistemą. Prieš pusantrų metų į Dalmatiją talentą pasikvietė tuometinis klubo sporto direktorius Ivanas Kepčija. 2021-ųjų sausį šias pareigas perėmus Mindaugui Nikoličiui, lietuviškas kontekstas tapo dar aktualesnis. Legendinį Kroatijos klubą treniruojantis Valdas Dambrauskas R.Pukštą dažnai kviečia treniruotis su pagrindine komanda, talentingas saugas ne kartą buvo registruojamas ir rungtynėms.

Po ilgos pertraukos Splitas šiemet vėl pagrįstai svajoja apie Kroatijos čempionų titulą, tačiau gerai komandai sekasi ne tik aikštėje. Praėjusią savaitę svarbią pergalę „Hajduk“ pasiekė ir šalia jos – R.Pukštas pasirašė sutartį su Dalmatijos komanda iki 2025-ųjų.

„Roką klubas atrado ieškodamas talentų užsienio šalyse. Futbolininkas per pusantrų metų, praleistų mūsų akademijoje, padarė didžiulę pažangą. Jis turi visas šiuolaikiniam atakuojančiam vidurio saugui būdingas savybes, tad svarbu, kad ir toliau tobulėtų tinkama linkme. Jam dar reiks prisitaikyti prie vyrų futbolo, tačiau tikiu, kad dėl talento ir asmeninių savybių šis procesas ilgai neužtruks“, – akademijos talentą gyrė „Hajduk“ klubo sporto direktorius M.Nikoličius.

„Labai džiaugiuosi šios kelionės pradžia, bet tikiuosi, kad parašas ant sutarties nieko nepakeis. Ir toliau noriu entuziastingai dirbti bei treniruotis klube, kuris turi geriausius sirgalius Europoje. Nuo pirmos dienos čia sulaukiau didžiulio palaikymo. Džiaugiuosi, kad Splite jaučiuosi kaip namuose“, – kalbėjo R.Pukštas.

Pastaraisiais įvykiais Splite džiaugiasi ne tik „Hajduk“. Lietuvos futbolo federacijos vadovybė taip pat nepraranda vilčių, kad netolimoje ateityje R.Pukštas galės apsivilkti mūsų šalies nacionalinės rinktinės marškinėlius. Nepaisant jauno amžiaus, saugas jau yra sužaidęs dvejas rungtynes už JAV dvidešimtmečių rinktinę, tačiau konkurencija dėl vietos šios šalies komandoje yra didžiulė. Tai yra šansas Lietuvai, kurio LFF nenori prarasti.

Prieš keletą savaičių Lietuvos rinktinės vyriausiasis treneris Valdas Ivanauskas ir naujasis LFF techninis direktorius Reinholdas Breu buvo nuskridę į Splitą susitikti su žaidėju.

„Noriu padėkoti Mindaugui ir Valdui, kad Splite mus priėmė labai šiltai. Teko stebėti jaunimo Čempionų lygos rungtynės, kuriose „Hajduk“ žaidė su Madrido „Atletico“. Prieš mačą maždaug tris valandas kalbėjomės su V.Dambrausku. Jis apie Roką atsiliepė tik geriausiais žodžiais, džiaugiasi, kad talentingas vaikinas nusprendė pratęsti sutartį, ir patarė daryti viską, kad Rokas galėtų ateityje padėti mūsų šalies rinktinei“, – bendraudamas su 15min savo įspūdžiais dalijosi V.Ivanauskas.

Vaizdas, kurį Kroatijoje išvydo rinktinės strategas, nenuvylė.

„Iš karto matyti, kad Rokas kilęs iš sportininkų šeimos. Genai akivaizdūs. Tame Čempionų lygos mače jis žaidė sau neįprastoje pozicijoje, tačiau yra labai tvirtas fiziškai, gerąja prasme agresyvus, jaučiasi amerikietiškas mentalitetas, nes žaidėjas savimi labai pasitiki. Tai kuriantis ir nebijantis atsakomybės futbolininkas. Įvertinus jo amžių, išvada yra paprasta – mums labai būtų naudingas toks papildymas“, – įsitikinęs V.Ivanauskas.

Visgi klaustukų dėl R.Pukšto ateities yra nemažai. Futbolininko agentas yra amerikietis, tad bendrauti su juo nėra paprasta. Anot Lietuvos futbolo federacijos generalinio sekretoriaus Edgaro Stankevičiaus, agentas nėra įsigilinęs į Europos futbolo subtilybes ir specifiką.

Tą patvirtino ir V.Ivanauskas.

„Asmeniškai aš kalbėjausi ir su Roko tėčiu. Jis labai nori, kad jam pavyktų „užsikabinti“ didžiajame futbole. Tikrai norėtų, kad sūnus gintų mūsų šalies garbę, tačiau žaidėjas dar yra labai jaunas. Nors šiuo metu Splite jis yra labai patenkintas, agento įtaka vis dar yra didžiulė. Jis gyvena kitapus Atlanto ir yra gana priešiškai nusiteikęs“, – pasakojo V.Ivanauskas.

Trenerio nuomone, R.Pukšto artimiausias tikslas – patekti į JAV U20 rinktinę, kuri birželio mėnesį žais Hondūre vyksiančiame CONCACAF dvidešimtmečių čempionate.

„Tiek futbolininkas, tiek agentas tikisi kvietimo. Visgi visi puikiai supranta, kad tokia perspektyva yra sunkiai tikėtina. Dauguma tos komandos žaidėjų ne tik yra trejais metais vyresni, bet jau dabar žaidžia Europos klubų pagrindinėse sudėtyse“, – pasakojo V.Ivanauskas.

Tiek jis, tiek LFF artimiausiu metu norėtų išsiųsti R.Pukštui kvietimą į nacionalinę komandą draugiškoms rungtynėms. Tokios rungtynės neužkirstų futbolininkui kelio ateityje apsivilkti JAV rinktinės marškinėlių oficialiuose mačuose.

„Tokią galimybę svarstome labai rimtai. Artimiausiu metu bendrausime su UEFA ir FIFA atstovais bei teisininkais. Nesinori žaidėjui sugadinti karjeros, tad viską privalome išsiaiškinti iki smulkmenų. Žaidėjo agentas taip pat neslepia nerimo, kad, sužaidus kartą už Lietuvą, vėliau gali užsiverti JAV rinktinės durys. Ilgai kalbėjomės ir su pačiu Roku, kuris viską supranta, tikrai neatsisako žaisti už Lietuvą, bet nenori ir skubėti. Kitąmet vyks pasaulio U20 čempionatas, tad R.Pukštas labai norėtų jame žaisti. Kita vertus, iš savo pusės galime pasakyti, kad jei bus bent menkiausia galimybė, būtinai pakviesime žaidėją į savo komandą, pavyzdžiui, draugiškam susitikimui“, – svarstė V.Ivanauskas.

Pranešimai: 10887
Užsiregistravo: 2010 Vas 10 15:14
Palaikoma komanda: Šiauliai

Re: Rokas Pukštas

2022 Bal 30 12:37

debiutavo startinėje sudėtyje
buvo aktyvus, matyti santraukoje. numeris 21

Pranešimai: 10887
Užsiregistravo: 2010 Vas 10 15:14
Palaikoma komanda: Šiauliai

Re: Rokas Pukštas

2022 Bir 15 11:48

pateko į rinktinę, kuri Hondure dalyvaus šiaurės ir centrinės amerikos u-20 čempionate.

Pranešimai: 8734
Užsiregistravo: 2015 Bal 02 17:57

Re: Rokas Pukštas

2022 Bir 21 04:09

Pukštas įvarčiu galva pasižymėjo pirmose rungtynėse prieš Saint Kitts and Nevis U20, gavo žaisti valandą ir buvo pakeistas laiminėjant 7–0, baigėsi 10–0. Šiandien prieš Kanadiečius nuo starto paliktas ant suolo prarotuotoje sudėtyje.

Pranešimai: 8734
Užsiregistravo: 2015 Bal 02 17:57

Re: Rokas Pukštas

2022 Bir 21 05:50

Pukštas šįvakar gavo keletą minučių pačiame rungtynių gale, bet JAV jau nieko nenuveikė ir užbaigė lygiosiomis 2–2.

Pranešimai: 8734
Užsiregistravo: 2015 Bal 02 17:57

Re: Rokas Pukštas

2022 Lie 21 03:59

After a successful group stage, Hadjuk Split's Pukstas sets sights on qualifying ... qualifying
ASN's Brian Sciaretta spoke with Pukstas from Honduras.

THE UNITED STATES U-20 national team is now entering the pivotal stage of the CONCACAF Championships that will serve as qualification for both the 2023 U-20 World Cup and the 2024 Olympics. It is a massively important tournament for the U.S. Soccer to secure participation for key American prospects in two global tournaments.

Rokas Pukstas, 17, is one of the team’s central midfielders and he has been part of the cycle since the start when the team participated in November’s Revelations Cup in Mexico just days after head coach Mikey Varas was hired. Since then he has watched the team grow while also making huge strides at his club, Hajduk Split in Croatia, where he made his first team debut in April. For both club and country, it has been a huge year for Pukstas and these CONCACAF Championships are where he wants to see that progress translate into tangible results.

“When I was in November camp I was still training with the U-19s at Hajduk, barely with the first team,” Pukstas told American Soccer Now from Honduras. “Once I progressed to first team in January preseason and then I was full time since then, my comfort level got so much better, especially in these camps, I have more confidence. Definitely I see myself bringing the kind of that European style - the calmness, less frantic - into these camps. I see the progress in myself, but also our team. You can see the progress from the November camp, individually too. The individual success can also bring team success.”

It has been quite a journey for Pukstas to get to this point and it differs from many other top American prospects. He did not come from a major U.S. metropolitan center with professional soccer academies nearby. He also did not come from a soccer family who was able to give him proper instructions at a high level. Instead, Pukstas is from Stillwater, Oklahoma - where American football reigns supreme. His parents are both Lithuanian immigrants who participated in other sports at the highest levels. His father, Mindaugas Pukstas, even represented Lithuania at the 2004 Olympics in Greece for the marathon. Getting pushed and getting high quality games was always a challenge for Pukstas once he discovered he had the talent and drive to go far.

“In Oklahoma, soccer is the fourth most popular sport there,” Pukstas said. “It all started with rec. I was from a small town. Once I competed there, once I develop, I need a place to move. So, I went to Oklahoma City to train. It's just different there because there's was no Development Academy. They had a lot of good players but they're just not pushed how they should be. It was better for me to go to Sporting KC rather than stay in Oklahoma. Dike, he went away to college. Oklahoma has the talent, but we lack the system.”

Like many top American kids, Pukstas had ambitions to play in Europe but there are always questions over where to being a career. Many players on the U.S. team have begun there careers domestically in MLS before heading abroad and for Pukstas, that was an option as he initially moved away to join the Sporting Kansas City academy.

But with his Lithuanian passport, he was able to go on trials at an earlier age and Hadjuk Split was the first place he trialed. In the end, it was the place he decided to sign his first pro deal. In April, he signed a new deal with the club through 2025.

“It was the next steppingstone from Oklahoma,” Pukstas said of Sporting KC. “Like always, it was a struggle at first, but I got comfortable and started executing. It was great. I learned a lot there. But I felt it was better to continue to go to Europe. But Sporting was great. It was a great steppingstone.”

“I went on trial in a couple of places and I looked into Hadjuk,” Pukstas added. “Hadjuk was actually the first spot I went, and I was hooked. I saw the pathway and it's been working great. Croatia is known for their really good development. I felt like my best option was to go there, learn the system, learn the best techniques for everything and grow from there.”

The past six months in 2022 have seen Pukstas take his game to another level. He’s now on the first team at Hajduk Spit and has ambitions of becoming a regular next season for one of Croatia’s biggest clubs.

“I'm not going to lie, it was really tough for me at the beginning,” Pukstas said. “I was confused about the tactics. I wasn't getting a lot of minutes. I was being pushed down and I was kind of the guy who was different. Most of the guys there were Croatian. But once you start performing, the teammates will accept you more and it just became better and better every day. But it was really, really tough in the beginning getting used to the culture, the food, everything's different there.”

“Right now, it's great” he added.

He has also been growing in importance to Varas throughout the cycle this qualifying tournament has shown that as he was given the starting job for the group stage finale against Cuba where the U.S. team won 3-0 to secure a first-place finish in Group E. Due to the fact that the roster size is small and games taking place every two to three days, players have to get rotated into the starting XI frequently and are often asked to play multiple positions.

Rokas describes himself as a box-to-box midfielder who can play either the No. 6 or the No. 8. Stylistically, he says he enjoys being the “fireman of the group” who can defensively respond to situations when the opponents create a dangerous possession (“being there defensively, aggressive with tackles, covering a lot of ground, being that leader and to win the midfield battles and just controlling the tempo of the game”).

Now in Honduras, Pukstas is happy, but he knows the responsibilities of the tasks ahead. He enjoys the progress the U-20 team has made this cycle and hopes that it will be on full display in the knockout rounds where the opponents will be better and the intensity will be raised.

“The first two camps we would play intrasquad matches where we would all outplay the press pretty easily. But now once we learned the system, everybody's more disciplined. It is really hard to beat our press and trainings are more intense. It's hard to break everything. So once people got more disciplined, got more into the tactics, it has just been a lot smoother process. We feel confident… Everybody's been talking about the importance of qualifying but Mikey really does a good job of telling us the focus on the next game.”

There is a lot of pressure on this U-20 team to end U.S. Soccer’s skid of failing to qualify for the Olympics. For this to happen, the U.S. team will have to win its semifinal game in Honduras, quite possibly against the hosts.

The Olympics play a big part the Pukstas family given his family’s athletic history and his father’s participation in the 2004 Games. Even though it was a different sport, for a different country, coming from that background has helped Pukstas mentally adjust to the pressures of international sports.

“It makes me really proud to show what my parents have done for their country also,” Pukstas said. “They've basically been through these processes. It's a different sport, but they know what could happen. They've been really helpful and to help me get through this because they went through it, too.”

Even though Pukstas is from a Lithuanian family, he looks forward to representing the United States (which has has represented since the U-15 level) and believes in the future of soccer in this country. Earlier this year, Lithuania’s soccer federation met with Pukstas to gauge interest and see if he would be interested in following in his father’s footsteps. Pukstas politely declined, however, with seeing the potential of the current younger generations of American players.

“My whole family is from Lithuania,” Pukstas said. “When I was from six to 10, I'd go every summer and stay with my grandparents and play for the academies there. Lithuania definitely has a place in my heart. But the future in the U.S. is great to see. I want to be part of that process. I want to help in that process for the U.S. to be good. Lithuania is in my culture but my whole family agrees that this is the best pathway for me.”

Pranešimai: 8734
Užsiregistravo: 2015 Bal 02 17:57

Re: Rokas Pukštas

2022 Lie 21 04:18

Irgi tas pats autoriaus interviu, tik vėliau paleistas.

Rokas Pukstas: Oklahoma teen's Croatia experience prepped him for U.S. U-20 success ... ience.html
Brian Sciaretta

The recent Concacaf U-20 Championships offered a glimpse of the next generation of American talent. It was an impressive showing by the USA, which won the tournament while qualifying for both the 2023 U-20 World Cup and the 2024 Olympics.

For some players, it offered to be a huge career boost.

Rokas Pukstas, 17, has played for the United States since the U-15 level and was part of the U.S. U-20 team since the start of the cycle that began in November with the Mexico-hosted Revelations Cup. Still, he entered the Concacaf Championship not as well known as many of his teammates.

Part of this is easy to understand. As a native of Stillwater, Oklahoma, Pukstas came from outside many of the country’s top soccer hotspots. In addition, he moved to Croatia when he was 16 to develop at Hajduk Split, where he was only at the U-19 level until this past winter. Despite a first-team promotion, his debut did not come until April 29 when he started in a 2-1 win over last-place Hrvatski Dragovoljac.

That remains his only first-team appearance so far, but later that month, he signed a new contract with Hajduk through 2025.

Pukstas performed well as the U.S. team’s defensive midfielder in Honduras. He started and scored in the opening 10-0 win over St. Kitts & Nevis. He played the final five minutes in the 2-2 draw with Canada and then started the 3-0 win over Cuba. He started the quarterfinal of the 2-0 win over Costa Rica before subbing out in the second half with an injury that ended his tournament, although Coach Mikey Varas was doubtful that it would sideline him for a long period.

After Honduras, Pukstas is in a strong position within the team. He rotated as the team’s defensive midfielder with co-captain Daniel Edelman, but Pukstas actually started the cycle as an attacking midfielder.

"We talk to the players about being complete players,” Varas said. “Players who can play in the defending phases as well as the attacking phases — and with the ability to play in different spaces — inside and outside — because our main objective is individual player development. It is a great challenge. With regards to the No. 6 [defensive midfield] players, I am really, really proud of these guys. At the first camp, Rokas came in as a No. 10. But now he is playing the No. 6 at a really, really high level as a 2004 [born player]."

Pukstas has enjoyed his gradual positional switch. He describes himself as the “fireman of the group” and someone who is “there defensively, aggressive with tackles, covering a lot of ground, being that leader and to win the midfield battles and just controlling the tempo of the game.”

Overall, that worked out well for both him and the team. While playing a more defensive role, the opposition never scored when he was on the field in Honduras.

“When I was in November camp, I was still training with the U-19s at Hajduk,” Pukstas said. “Once I progressed to first team in January, I was full time and my comfort level got so much better, especially in these camps, I have more confidence. I see myself bringing the kind of that European style — the calmness, less frantic — into these camps. I see the progress in myself, but also our team.”

Once he heals from his current foot injury, Pukstas will aim to become a regular within Hajduk’s first team as it is expected to contend for a title after last season’s second-place finish — seven points behind Dinamo Zagreb. On July 17, Hajduk will open its season against Istra 1961.

Last season was a big year for Pukstas as he moved from the club’s youth team to the first team and this year he is expecting further progress, but such growth at the club wasn’t always easy. His recent success has made him appreciate just how hard it was for him adjusting from Oklahoma to Split.

“I'm not going to lie, it was really tough for me at the beginning,” Pukstas said. “I was confused about the tactics. I wasn't getting a lot of minutes. I was being pushed down and I was kind of the guy who was different. Most of the guys there were Croatian. But once you start performing, the teammates will accept you more and it just became better and better every day. But it was really, really tough in the beginning getting used to the culture, the food, everything's different there.”

“Right now, it's great” he added.

It has been quite a journey for Pukstas to get to this point and it differs from many other top American prospects. He did not come from a major U.S. metropolitan center with professional soccer academies. He also did not come from a soccer family able to give him proper instructions at a high level.

In Stillwater, American football reigns supreme but he drew inspiration from his parents. Both Lithuanian immigrants with high-level athletic experiemce, albeit in other sports. His father, Mindaugas Pukstas, represented Lithuania at the 2004 Olympics in the marathon. But even with sports running strong in his family, developing in soccer was tough in Oklahoma.

“In Oklahoma, soccer is the fourth most popular sport,” Pukstas said. “It all started with rec. I was from a small town. Once I competed there, I needed a place to move. I went to Oklahoma City to train. It's just different because there's was no Development Academy. They had a lot of good players, but they're just not pushed how they should be. It was better for me to go to Sporting KC rather than stay in Oklahoma. [Fellow Oklahoman] Daryl Dike went away to college. Oklahoma has the talent, but we lack the system.”

While Pukstas held onto dreams for Europe, Sporting Kansas City then turned out to be a place to get the structure he needed and prepare him for the move to Europe.

“It was the next steppingstone from Oklahoma,” Pukstas said of Sporting KC. “Like always, it was a struggle at first, but I got comfortable and started executing. It was great. I learned a lot there. But I felt it was better to continue to go to Europe. But Sporting was great. It was a great steppingstone.”

Helped by his Lithuanian passport, Pukstas was able to secure trials in Europe. While most Americans making the jump tend to land in traditional Western European leagues, Pukstas landed in Eastern Europe. Hajduk was the first team he trialed with and he knew right away it was his top choice.

“I saw the pathway and it's been working great,” Pukstas said. “Croatia is known for their really good development.”

Moving forward, Pukstas now has a driving goal — and one he helped to create. The Olympics are important in his family after his father’s participation in the 2004 Summer Games. After helping the United States qualify for 2024, he wants to earn a spot on that team in two years.

“It makes me really proud to show what my parents have done for their country also,” Pukstas said. “They've basically been through these processes. … They've been really helpful to help me get through this because they went through it, too.”

Any such international representation, however, will likely see Pukstas represent a different country than his parents. Shortly after his debut with Hajduk, the Lithuanian soccer federation reached out to meet with Pukstas to see if he would follow in his father’s footsteps internationally. Pukstas politely declined and instead opted to remain with his birth country, where he believes the future is bright and that he can be a part of it.

“My whole family is from Lithuania,” Pukstas said. “When I was from 6 to 10, I'd go every summer and stay with my grandparents and play for the academies there. Lithuania definitely has a place in my heart. But the future in the U.S. is great to see. I want to be part of that process. I want to help in that process for the U.S. to be good. Lithuania is in my culture but my whole family agrees that this is the best pathway for me.”

Pranešimai: 10887
Užsiregistravo: 2010 Vas 10 15:14
Palaikoma komanda: Šiauliai

Re: Rokas Pukštas

2022 Rgp 08 10:37

su dviguba licencija galės rungtyniauti NK Solin, atrajame pagal pajėgumą divizione. ... icu/141363

Pranešimai: 8734
Užsiregistravo: 2015 Bal 02 17:57

Re: Rokas Pukštas

2022 Rgs 09 16:14

2022 Youth Series: Top 20 Born In 2004 ... n-in-2004/

#11 | CM, Rokas Pukstas, HNK Hajduk Split

Rokas Pukstas is a Lithuanian-American who started his academy career with Sporting KC before moving to the Barca Residency Academy in Arizona. From there he signed a deal with Croatian giant Hajduk Split. Rokas made his first team debut last season with Split and should get a bigger role with the senior team this year. He has yet to feature for the club, likely because he is still rehabbing the injury he picked up during the Concacaf U20 Championships. During that tournament, Rokas played as a defensive- midfielder even though his more natural position is that of a box to box midfielder. Like many 6s, they usually start as 8s and move their way back. For the most part Rokas played very well during that tournament, especially in counterpress moments and winning the ball back before the opposing team could threaten the US backline.

What makes him special?

Rokas is an athletic midfielder that plays with a fearlessness and aggressiveness that is very fun to watch. He times his tackles really well and is unafraid to get stuck in. The move to a more defensive midfielder made a ton of sense and was a smart move by Mikey to add some movement to the midfield. Rokas is also very good in the air. I made a comment during the U20 Championships that he is kind of like a young Weston McKennie in that he wins a ton of balls in the air on set pieces and it sort of catches the defense by surprise.

Biggest opportunity for improvement?

The most glaring weakness in Pukstas’ game is his ball progression. It starts before he receives the ball and was something that got him in trouble during that tournament. He wasn’t always checking his shoulders to see where the danger was coming from so he either didn’t turn away from pressure or did not one time pass back to the center-back to avoid danger. From there, his half turn is okay, but could be better and his ball control and progressive passing can all be improved. The defensive part of his game is sound, but improved ball progression can make him a very exciting prospect.

Pranešimai: 8734
Užsiregistravo: 2015 Bal 02 17:57

Re: Rokas Pukštas

2022 Rgs 15 16:20

Po Valdo atleidimo, Pukštas 86 minutę pasirodė rungtynėse už Hajduk.

„Hajduk“ periodas po V.Dambrausko prasidėjo pergalingai ... ergalingai

Valdą Dambrauską atleidęs ir į jo vietą asistentą Mislavą Karoglaną pastatęs Splito „Hajduk“ klubas šiandien iškovojo pergalę. Klubas žaidė atidėtas Kroatijos lygos rungtynes, kuriose 2:0 nugalėjo „Rijeka“ futbolininkus.

Abu kartus „Hajduk“ pasižymėjo antrajame kėlinyje. Pirmasis tai 66 minutę padarė puolėjas Stipe Biukas, o po dešimties minučių antrąjį įvartį pridėjo puolėjas Nikola Kaliničius.

Verta paminėti, kad šiose rungtynėse pirmą kartą šiame sezone į aikštę žengė lietuviškų šaknų talentas Rokas Pukštas, kuris aikštėje praleido 5 minutes. V.Dambrauskas šį sezoną JAV pilietybę turinčio saugo dar nebuvo išleidęs.

Po šios pergalės Splito klubas su 16 taškų pakilo į antrą vietą.

Pranešimai: 8734
Užsiregistravo: 2015 Bal 02 17:57

Re: Rokas Pukštas

2022 Rgs 15 16:22

Faustas Steponavičius šiandien startinėje sudėtyje susitiko su Roku Pukštu. Pukštas pelnė įvartį už savo ekipą, bet Fausto Jarun laimėjo rezultatu 2–1.

Abudu atžaidė 90+ minučių.
Bet bent jau man šitos dvigubos licencijos pernelyg primena Atlanto/Palangos Granito/Minijos ir t.t. laikus, aišku lietuviams tai tikrai geras dalykas gauti laiko aštuoniolikos ar jaunesniems Kroatijos antroje lygoje.

Pranešimai: 8734
Užsiregistravo: 2015 Bal 02 17:57

Re: Rokas Pukštas

2023 Lie 16 19:50

Rokas Pukštas – The American Paving His Own Path To European Success ... n-success/

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