Pranešimai: 8734
Užsiregistravo: 2015 Bal 02 17:57

Re: Tarptautinių organizacijų aktualijos

2020 Kov 17 01:58

European football’s governing body will demand compensation of about £275 million from its clubs and leagues to postpone Euro 2020 by a year in response to the coronavirus pandemic.
The Athletic

Pranešimai: 8734
Užsiregistravo: 2015 Bal 02 17:57

Re: Tarptautinių organizacijų aktualijos

2020 Bir 21 16:21

Nežinau kur tiksliai kelti tokį dalyką, bet radau įdomų teisinį precedentą apie kaip FIFA fiksuoja klubų teisinį vientisumą nacionalinės teisės kontekste (pavyzdys Estijoje):

@Makenzis nepatiks
11. The Estonian Football Association provided the Secretariat, on 6 May 2019, with its position regarding the allegations of the Creditor. The position of the EFA can be summarized as follows:
- Tartu Jalgpallikool Tammeka and the Debtor are not the same entity. The latter stopped participating in competitions organised by EFA on 2014 and was liquidated and disaffiliated from the EFA on March 2016.
- In Estonia, a legal entity is identified by its registry number. The Debtor’s code is 80078915 and the club was erased from the registry on 28 March 2016. On the other hand, the code of Tartu Jalgpallikool Tammeka is 80315611 and it is still registered at the present day. This proves that both clubs are two different legal entities.
In light of all the above, and since in the member of the Committee’s view the identity of a club is constituted by elements such as its name, colours, logo, fans, history, roster of players, stadium, etc, regardless of the legal entity operating it, the member of the Committee deems that, on the basis of the information and documentation at his disposal, he has no other alternative but to conclude that Tartu Jalgpallikool Tammeka appears to be the successor of Tartu Jalgpalliklubi Tammeka, and, as such, is liable for the debts incurred by the latter – namely the one related to the decision passed by the Dispute Resolution Chamber on 26 November 2015 – and that therefore, Tartu Jalgpallikool Tammeka is found to have infringed article 64 of the 2017 FIFA Disciplinary Code ... zpelh1polc

Pranešimai: 8734
Užsiregistravo: 2015 Bal 02 17:57

Re: Tarptautinių organizacijų aktualijos

2020 Bir 26 02:35

FIFA Council unanimously approves COVID-19 Relief Plan ... elief-plan

The Council unanimously approved the FIFA COVID‑19 Relief Plan, which was designed by the FIFA administration in close cooperation with representatives of the confederations. Across its three stages, this global support plan will make available up to USD 1.5 billion to assist the football community.

In stage three, approved by the Council today, further financial support will be provided through a system of grants and loans:

o Grants: a universal solidarity grant of USD 1 million will be made available to all member associations, and an additional grant of USD 500,000 will be allocated specifically to women’s football.

o Loans: member associations will be able to apply for interest-free loans amounting to up to 35% of their audited annual revenues. In the interest of solidarity, a minimum loan of USD 500,000 will be available and a maximum of USD 5 million. In addition, each confederation will have access to a loan of up to USD 4 million.

Both grants and loans can be directed by member associations to the wider football community in their respective territories, including clubs, players, leagues, or others that have been affected.

International Match Calendar

o to proceed with the September 2020 window as planned for CONMEBOL and UEFA, subject to continued monitoring of the situation;

o to extend the October 2020 and November 2020 windows by one day for UEFA in order to facilitate the playing of three games instead of the current two; and

Pranešimai: 8734
Užsiregistravo: 2015 Bal 02 17:57

Re: Tarptautinių organizacijų aktualijos

2020 Spa 22 15:15

FIFA new eligibility rules that could benefit East Asian nations ... could.html

What has changed

FIFA have agreed upon a change to the eligibility rule during one of their virtual congresses. The rule change now allows players to change national teams, even if they have already played three times for a nation they are eligible for.

The three matches can include tournament qualifying matches (but not major tournament games) before they turned 21 but these games have to be at least three years previous to their call up for a new nation.

This means a plethora of players could become eligible to countries around the world, who were previously unavailable to be selected. ... zqfiw6.pdf
Paskutinį kartą redagavo 1 Respublik. Iš viso redaguota 2020 kartus.

Pranešimai: 9171
Užsiregistravo: 2010 Vas 24 08:59
Palaikoma komanda: Žalgiris

Re: Tarptautinių organizacijų aktualijos

2020 Spa 22 15:42

Kodėl būtent east asia?

Pranešimai: 8734
Užsiregistravo: 2015 Bal 02 17:57

Re: Tarptautinių organizacijų aktualijos

2020 Spa 22 15:50

Kodėl būtent east asia?
Nes straipsnis iš jų regiono portalo, nekreipk dėmesio. Domiuosi kažkiek ten reikalais, tai tiesiog jau tingėjau perieškoti kai reikalinga informacija ir taip pateikta.

Pranešimai: 8734
Užsiregistravo: 2015 Bal 02 17:57

Re: Tarptautinių organizacijų aktualijos

2020 Lap 23 14:28

Postūmis moterų futbole – patvirtintas reglamentas, kuris saugos futbolininkių teises nėštumo metu ... stumo-metu

Moterų futbole – svarbus žingsnis į priekį. Žaidėjų teises ginanti „FIFPRO“ organizacija kartu su FIFA sutarė dėl naujo reglamento, kuris saugos profesionalių futbolininkių, norinčių turėti vaikų, teises.

Naujasis reglamentas įsigalios nuo 2021 m. sausio 1 dienos ir, pasak Lietuvos profesionalių futbolininkų asociacijos (PFA), užtikrins:

- Mažiausiai 14 savaičių motinystės atostogų, iš kurių mažiausiai 8 savaitės turi būti po vaiko gimimo.
- Motinystės atostogų metu žaidėjai bus mokamas mažiausiai du trečdaliai atlyginimo, jei nacionalinėje teisėje ar CBA nenustatytas aukštesnis atlygis.
- Galimybė likti užregistruotai čempionate. Jei abipusiu sutikimu tai nebuvo padaryta, būti užregistruotai grąžinus po motinystės atostogų, net ir pasibaigus registracijos laikotarpiui.
- Futbolo klubui nutraukus sutartį nėštumo ar motinystės atostogų metu, klubas privalo įrodyti, kad atleidimas iš darbo nėra susijęs su motinyste, priešingu atveju, žaidėjai suteikiama papildoma kompensacija, kuri lygi 6 atlyginimams, be likusios sutarties vertės.
- Futbolininkės laisvė nuspręsti, ar ji toliau žais, ar ne, su sąlyga, kad jai tai leidžia sveikata, kuri bus nepriklausomai įvertinta.

“Futbolininkės siekė šių patobulinimų ir smagu matyti, kad FIFA klausėsi jų balso“, - sakė FIFPRO gen. sekretorius Jonas Baer-Hoffmannas.

Lietuvos moterų futbole yra tik keletas profesionalių kontraktų, bet tai, kad moterų futbolas vis daugiau sulaukia dėmesio ir teigiamų naujienų, leidžia tikėtis profesionalesnio moterų futbolo ir geresnių sąlygų futbolininkėms.

Kaip pabrėžia PFA, 2020 m. rudenį organizacija bei nacionalinės moterų futbolo rinktinės futbolininkės kreipėsi į LFF dėl lygių teisių. Kreipimasį teigiamai įvertino ir LFF generalinis sekretorius E.Stankevičius, todėl greitu metu, tikėtina, bus sulaukta teigiamų žinių iš LFF. PFA teigimu, suvienodinusi išmokas už atvykimą į nacionalinę rinktinę, LFF sulauktų teigiamų atsiliepimų ne tik Lietuvoje, bet ir už Lietuvos ribų.

Pranešimai: 8734
Užsiregistravo: 2015 Bal 02 17:57

Re: Tarptautinių organizacijų aktualijos

2020 Lap 23 15:42

FIFPRO & FIFA sign collaboration agreement to reinforce fight against match-fixing with smartphone app ... tch-fixing

FIFPRO and FIFA have signed a collaboration agreement endorsing a smartphone app that allows professional footballers to anonymously report match-fixing approaches.

The Red Button app is wholly-owned by FIFPRO and is being distributed globally to players through its affiliated national player associations. It complements existing confidential reporting platforms already introduced by FIFA, including the FIFA Integrity App and BKMS, as well as other reporting mechanisms that are available at national and international level.

Under the agreement, the Red Button app is recognised by FIFA and its dedicated Integrity department as a valid reporting tool and FIFA will investigate confidential information submitted via the Red Button app that is shared by FIFPRO.

Pranešimai: 8734
Užsiregistravo: 2015 Bal 02 17:57

Re: Tarptautinių organizacijų aktualijos

2021 Kov 13 03:55

Significant Champions League reform in 2024 - Disagreement over starters ... ews/381601

Reform proposals of Europe's major club competitions under the guidance of UEFA have dominated the media. The Champions League will be expanded from 32 to 36 clubs and will introduce the so-called Swiss model with a new league system. The number of guaranteed games played in the Champions League will grow from six to ten games per club.

New Champions League starting in 2024: Who will receive the extra slots?

It is still up in the air who will receive the four extra positions that will be made available through the reform. The ECA prefers to hand those slots to big clubs that failed to qualify for the Champions League but were successful in the past competition. The European Leagues, however, want to see those slots to be made available for smaller clubs.

The UEFA Executive will make the final decision on the reform—Agnelli is an influential board member. The UEFA congress with all national football associations will meet on Apr. 20.

Pranešimai: 8734
Užsiregistravo: 2015 Bal 02 17:57

Re: Tarptautinių organizacijų aktualijos

2021 Kov 13 14:59

IFAB pakeitė taisykles susijusias su kamuolio lietimu ranka ... timu-ranka

Tarptautinė futbolo asociacijų valdyba (International Footbal Asssociation Board – IFAB, aut. past.) penktadienį vykusiame susitikime paskelbė taisyklių pakeitimus, susijusius su pažeidimais, kai žaidėjai liečia futbolo kamuolį ranka. rašoma, kad taisykles reikėjo pakeisti, nes ne visuomet žaidimas ranka į kamuolį buvo vertinamas vienodai ir nuosekliai.

Nuo šiol ne kiekvienas žaidėjo prislietimas ranka prie kamuolio bus traktuojamas kaip taisyklių pažeidimas. Jeigu kamuolys ranka bus paliestas netyčia ir po prislietimo komandos draugas įmuš įvartį arba susikurs progą jį įmušti, tuomet prislietimas nebus laikomas taisyklių pažeidimu.

Vis dar pažeidimu bus laikomas toks kamuolio palietimas ranka, dėl kurio žaidėjo kūnas taps „nenatūraliai dideliu“ – rungtynių arbitrams bus palikta teisė kiekvieną tokį epizodą vertinti savo nuožiūra. Taip pat, pažeidimu išlieka bet koks kamuolio palietimas ranka, dėl kurio buvo iškart įmuštas įvartis, arba kamuolys į vartus buvo pasiųstas nuo žaidėjo rankos.

Pranešimai: 8734
Užsiregistravo: 2015 Bal 02 17:57

Re: Tarptautinių organizacijų aktualijos

2021 Kov 15 04:35

Soccer-Barcelona, Real have to pay back taxes, court says in win for EU regulators ... SL2N2L20SR

BRUSSELS, March 4 (Reuters) - Barcelona, Real Madrid and two other Spanish soccer clubs will have to pay millions of euros in back taxes, Europe’s top court said on Thursday, in a win for EU competition enforcers in their fight against tax avoidance.

The European Commission in its 2016 ruling said that Barcelona, Real Madrid, Athletic Bilbao and Osasuna enjoyed a 25% tax rate for more than 20 years, giving them an unfair advantage over the 30% norm for sports companies.

The four clubs, which enjoyed the lower tax rate because they were treated as non-profit organisations instead of professional football clubs with limited liability, were ordered to pay up to 5 million euros ($6 million) each in back taxes.

The commission then appealed to the Luxembourg-based Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU)<...>

“The aid scheme at issue was, from the time of its adoption, liable to favour clubs operating as non-profit entities over clubs operating in the form of public limited sports companies, thereby conferring on them an advantage capable of falling within the scope of Article 107(1) TFEU,” the court said, referring to EU state aid rules.

The case is C-362/19 P Commission v Futbol Club Barcelona.

Pranešimai: 8734
Užsiregistravo: 2015 Bal 02 17:57

Re: Tarptautinių organizacijų aktualijos

2021 Kov 17 16:07

FIFA Forward pushes futsal's rise in Lithuania ... peda-x5961

The FIFA Forward Programme is supporting the Lithuania national team as the country prepares to host the FIFA Futsal World Cup 2021™, and is also helping to develop the sport across the nation. To that end, a sum of $299,947 USD was made available to the Lithuanian Football Association. The FIFA Forward Programme provides comprehensive and individually tailored football development support to FIFA member associations and the six confederations.

On 12 September 2021, the Futsal World Cup will kick off in Lithuania, marking the first FIFA event to be held in the country. The tournament was originally scheduled to take place in September 2020, but had to be postponed for a year due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The country’s appetite for futsal has grown enormously ever since it was announced that Lithuania would host the World Cup. This has led, among other things, to the welcome development of both a women's and an U-19 national team being established.

“Hosting the FIFA Futsal World Cup is a big challenge, both for the LOC and the Lithuania national futsal team,” said Edgaras Stankevicius, general secretary of the LFF. “Futsal is still a semi-professional sport in Lithuania and, as such, it still has a long road ahead. The FIFA Forward Programme has helped the national team to develop considerably within a year.”

COVID-19 restrictions making conditions harder

The necessary and important COVID-19 restrictions have obviously had a huge impact on the national team’s Futsal World Cup preparations, as well as on the training plans of the women’s and U-19 sides. By guaranteeing ‘player bubbles’, it was possible to ensure that the teams could continue to train.

“Another very important aspect is that we’ve set up a training centre for the futsal national team, so that the coach is able to organise short training camps to maintain rhythm and communicate closely with the players,” said Stankevicius of the FIFA Forward Programme’s positive impact. “Thanks to the programme we were able to form a women’s national team and a men’s U-19 side. Obviously the pandemic has been a huge challenge for all of these teams, but they’ve managed to overcome it and continue training.”

As the restrictions mean it is not possible to play friendly matches, the fixtures in the qualifying round for UEFA Futsal EURO 2022 in the Netherlands against Montenegro in November 2020 took on even greater significance. Lithuania may have lost both games in the play-offs, succumbing to a 3-0 defeat in Montenegro and losing 2-1 at home, but Stankevicius was satisfied nevertheless in light of the important lessons his team learned.

“The futsal national team reached the play-off round of the UEFA European Championship and gained valuable experience by playing against top-quality teams," he said.

We also recently had the chance to speak to the captain of the Lithuania national team, Justinas Zagurskas, in a video interview. The 25-year-old defender talks about his expectations for the Futsal World Cup and how the one-year postponement of the tournament has both good and bad sides, while he also gives insights about the sport of futsal in Lithuania.

Pranešimai: 8734
Užsiregistravo: 2015 Bal 02 17:57

Re: Tarptautinių organizacijų aktualijos

2021 Bal 03 20:03

Report: Uefa and ECA in ‘advanced talks’ over Champions League joint venture ... dia-rights

Uefa is reportedly in ‘advanced talks’ to create a joint venture with the European Club Association (ECA) that would see the continent’s elite soccer sides given greater control over the media and sponsorship rights related to the governing body’s top club competitions.

According to a report by the Financial Times (FT), the move would coincide with a mooted revamp of the Uefa Champions League that will see the creation of more matches between Europe’s top teams from 2024.

Agenda of next UEFA Executive Committee meeting announced ... arch-2021/

Following various media enquiries over the last few days, UEFA can confirm that a meeting of the Executive Committee will take place tomorrow, Wednesday 31 March, and that the future of club competitions post-2024 will be one of the topics discussed. However, any official decision in this respect will only be made at the next UEFA Executive Committee meeting on 19 April, in order to finalise ongoing discussions.

Pranešimai: 8734
Užsiregistravo: 2015 Bal 02 17:57

Re: Tarptautinių organizacijų aktualijos

2021 Bal 09 11:36

FIFA has suspended the Pakistan Football Federation (PFF) due to third-party interference and also the Chadian Football Association (FTFA) due to government interference ... terference

A group of football officials led by Ashfaq Hussain, which was elected by the Supreme Court in 2018 to run the PFF but was not recognised by FIFA, took over the headquarters recently and seized control from the FIFA Normalisation Committee headed by Haroon Malik, local media reported.

FIFA said in a statement on Wednesday that its decision to suspend the PFF was prompted by the "hostile takeover" which constituted a serious violation of its statutes.

FIFA said the latest suspension will only be lifted once it has received confirmation from the normalisation committee that the PFF premises, accounts, administration and communication channels are again under its full control.

The Chadian Ministry of Youth and Sports had stripped the country's FA of its powers on March 10 following concerns over the way it was being run and a breakdown in communication. Last month the country was disqualified from the Africa Cup of Nations by the Confederation of African Football due to the interference.

The FTFA's suspension will be lifted once the relevant government decisions have been repealed and the FTFA and its management, led by president Moctar Mahamoud Hamid, have confirmed to FIFA that its premises are under its control.

The suspension means the countries will not receive funds from FIFA and they will be barred from official competitions while development projects will also be put on hold.
kas čia spekuliavo, kad FIFA nebetaiko sankcijų.

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