Pranešimai: 9372
Užsiregistravo: 2015 Bal 02 17:57

Re: Futbolas Latvijoje

2024 Rgs 02 23:14

Aš paskutiniu metu pradedu latvių klubinio futbolo žiūrovui pavydėti visko labiau ir labiau, įskaitant ir profesionalią žurnalistiką, net ir neturint taip jau specialiai futbolo portalų...

RFS covers the annual budget and becomes Latvia's leading Eurocup club ... t_par_latv

Iš EL grupių jau užsitikrino 5,2 milijono eurų šiemet, bet viena pergalė dar nemažai duotų.

Pranešimai: 9372
Užsiregistravo: 2015 Bal 02 17:57

Re: Futbolas Latvijoje

2024 Rgs 02 23:37

O antras dalykas - apie kurį jau esu kalbėjęs, bet dabartinio sezono bus kaip tik tinkamiausias laikas tai minčiai pramušti ir ištestuoti realybėje - tvarkaraštis:
O dar kalbant apie Europos grupes nuo 2024 metų - jos gali visai baigtis Sausio pabaigoje/Vasarį pagal padidintą rungtynių skaičių Čempionų ir Europos lygose - tai šito reikėtų nepamiršti projektuojant A Lygos ateitį ir tvarkaraščius.
Dabar matysime RFS pavyzdžiu kaip tai veikia realybėje, kai lygos sezonas užsibaigia Lapkričio 9, o Europinis sezonas - Sausio 30 d., tai yra pusė rungtynių vis dar būna likusios. Ir čia Lietuviai labai tikiuosi (na ir likusieji gėdingojo klubo nariai: Latviai, Estai, Kazakstaniečiai), kad galvos rimtai ir empyriškai apie ateities čempionatų tvarkaraščių išdėliojimą. Man pvz. aiškiai dėliojasi vizija žaisti čempionatus grafiku Kovo galas/Balandis (po rinktinių lango)–bent jau iki Kalėdų, jeigu ne Sausio mėnesio, bet tuomet lieka neaišku dėl būtent to rinktinių lango ką daryti ir kokia būtų besiruočiančių vietinių fizinė/žaidybinė forma tam langui...

Arba kaip ankščiau išsireiškiau atsakydamas:
Kai Žalgiris, pupuliukai iš PNV, Hegsai iš dar kažkas šturmuos Europą plačiu frontu, Žalgiris ČL finaliniuose etapuose bus, kiti KL grupės ir finaliniuose etapuose, tada bus galima bus pakeisti sistemą pavasaris-ruduo į ruduo pavasaris, kad tik geriau būtų. Žiemą futbolą žaism. :idea:
Kai bus privaloma ateinant licencijuojantis turėti maniežą, kai ir pas mus kaip kad Estijoje dabar bus šalyje jų pristatyta, tai gali ir to būti, arba dar greičiau matyčiau galimybę kaip Kiniečiams startuoti Balandį ir tuomet žaisti iki Vasario false vasara-žiema variantu.

Bet apie žiemos lygas, jeigu bus toks tvarkaraštis, tai tikrai nebuvo pagalvota.

Aišku, kad mes vis dar nesugebėjome pasistatyti maniežų bent jau tokiu tempu, kur aš tikėjausi nors minimum lygiagretaus su Estijos tempo.

Pranešimai: 9372
Užsiregistravo: 2015 Bal 02 17:57

Re: Futbolas Latvijoje

2024 Lap 09 19:01

Skandalas „Serie C“: po gautos raudonos kortelės treneris papurtė Latvijos rinktinės puolėją ... s-puoleja/

Pranešimai: 9372
Užsiregistravo: 2015 Bal 02 17:57

Re: Futbolas Latvijoje

2024 Lap 12 00:10

Latvijoje Valmiera susitvarkė su skolų apmokėjimu ir negavo 25 taškų nuobaudos prieš pat čempionato pabaigą. ... ms-sonedel

Pranešimai: 9372
Užsiregistravo: 2015 Bal 02 17:57

Re: Futbolas Latvijoje

2024 Lap 26 16:21

Virslīgas Attendances: Club Rank and Overall Breakthrough ... bu_rangs_u

Pranešimai: 9372
Užsiregistravo: 2015 Bal 02 17:57

Re: Futbolas Latvijoje

2024 Gru 08 19:20

Kas naujesnio, braliukai? Mėgėjų futbolas Rygoje ... ygoje/6026

Dešimtmetį Vilniuje sparčiai augęs ir plėtęsis mėgėjų futbolas pastaraisiais metais stabtelėjo. Antra vertus, įvairaus formato turnyrų pasirinkimas sostinėje yra pajėgus patenkinti net didžiausių futbolo išrankuolių skonį.

Apie mėgėjų futbolo stagnaciją kalbėjome ne kartą, problemas bei priežastis išsiryškinome. Todėl šiame kontekste labai įdomu save palyginti su kaimynais latviais. Apie mėgėjų situaciją Latvijos sostinėje paprašėme papasakoti Rygos futbolo asociacijos (RFF) atstovės Jevgenijos Obodnikovos.

LFF struktūra apima 10 regioninių apskričių futbolo federacijas. Latvijos futbolo federacija jungia 6 regionus, o Ryga yra vienas iš jų.

VRFS III lygos pirmenybėse pastaraisiais sezonais matoma komandų mažėjimo tendencija, tačiau bent kol kas šioje srityje kaimynus mes akivaizdžiai lenkiame. Analogiškose Rygos regiono III lygos pirmenybėse šiemet dviejų ratų sistema varžėsi 9 komandos. Sezoną jos pradėjo gegužę, o pabaigė rugsėjį. Nugalėtojais tapę Rygos futbolo mokyklos (RFS) auklėtiniai savo paskutines rungtynes sužaidė dar rugsėjo 19 dieną.

Taigi, Rygos pirmenybės prasisuka greičiau nei per penkis mėnesius. Tuo metu VRFS pirmenybės su vasaros pertrauka trunka daugiau nei pusmetį – startuoja balandžio viduryje ir finišuoja spalio pabaigoje.

Didelį dėmesį braliukai skiria salės futbolui, o jų vykdomos I lygos pirmenybės turi visiškai kitokią sistemą. VRFS futsal lygoje 10 komandų nuo lapkričio iki kovo varžosi dviejų ratų sistema namų-išvykos formatu. Tuo metu Rygos lyga turi 12 komandų, žaidžia tuo pačiu sezono periodu, bet visos rungtynės vyksta išskirtinai tik sekmadieniais toje pačioje salėje vienoje Rygos vidurinių mokyklų. Latviai sužaidžia vieną ratą, po jo skelia komandas į du šešetus: toliau varžosi dėl apdovanojimų 1-6 vietų grupėje, o 7-12 vietų komandos kovoja dėl „Vilties taurės“.

Nustatyti tikslų mėgėjų skaičių abejose sostinėse nėra paprasta. Skaičiuojama, kad Vilniuje futbolą mėgėjiškai žaidžiančių žmonių yra apie 1,5 tūkst. Latviai remiasi panašia skaičiavimo metodika. „Negaliu pasakyti tikslaus mėgėjų skaičiaus, nes mes taip pat neregistruojame jų Comet sistemoje. Apskritai savo duomenų bazėje pradėjome juos fiksuoti visai neseniai. Tačiau manau, kad bendri masiškumo rodikliai yra labai panašūs, kaip ir Vilniuje“, – sakė J. Obodnikova.

Vilniaus regionas be III lygos ir futsalo pirmenybių, dar organizuoja Veteranų 35+ ir 45+ varžybas, 8x8 turnyrą. Negalima pamiršti ir Sekmadienio futbolo lygoje žaidžiančios 41 komandos bei didelio populiarumo sulaukiančio žiemos 7x7 turnyro, o taip pat 20 komandų jungiančios Minifutbolo lygos.

Latviai negali pasigirti dideliu skaitlingumu mėgėjų 11x11 futbole, tačiau aukštus masiškumo rodiklius pasiekia mažesnio formato futbolo atšakose. Rygos futbolo asociacija rengia veteranų futsalo varžybas, minifutbolo pirmenybes, taip pat yra atsakinga už Studentų futbolo turnyrą.

Pranešimai: 9372
Užsiregistravo: 2015 Bal 02 17:57

Re: Futbolas Latvijoje

2024 Gru 27 06:17

Nors sezonas dar nesibaigė

Balsojums: Jānis Ikaunieks - zvaigzne, Latvijai trīs izcilnieki ... ais_latvij

Pranešimai: 9372
Užsiregistravo: 2015 Bal 02 17:57

Re: Futbolas Latvijoje

2024 Gru 27 06:20

Rapolo atrastas straipsnis apie tai, kaip iš FC Riga savininko buvo atimtas Kipro pasas. ... o-katalogo

Pranešimai: 9372
Užsiregistravo: 2015 Bal 02 17:57

Re: Futbolas Latvijoje

2024 Gru 27 06:31

Labai išsamus naujesnis straipsnis apie Lomakiną:

Lomakin's Dirty Money: Russia Launders Money in Football ... osja-riga/

Beje dar minimas ir Valmieros savininkas Ralph Oswald Isenegger

Nowe otwarcie w Lechii Gdańsk. Mada Global przejmuje pierwszoligowca z pomocą znanego polskiego agenta ... ekarskiego

Valmiera FC and the Swiss with connections in the East. How does Lechia Gdańsk want to return to the Ekstraklasa? ... transfery/

Pranešimai: 9372
Užsiregistravo: 2015 Bal 02 17:57

Re: Futbolas Latvijoje

2024 Gru 27 06:56

Pranešimai: 9372
Užsiregistravo: 2015 Bal 02 17:57

Re: Futbolas Latvijoje

2024 Gru 27 06:59

Kaip Lomakinas su trimis vaikais bandė įgyti Moldovijos pilietybę:

Black Box PLUS: The black market for citizenship for Russian billionaires /08.12.2024

Pranešimai: 9372
Užsiregistravo: 2015 Bal 02 17:57

Re: Futbolas Latvijoje

2025 Sau 05 13:39

From 2022, Premier League clubs will have to pay more for foreigners in the application ... par_arzemn

According to the new rules, from the 2022 season of the Latvian Football Championship in the Premier League, there will be the following fees for footballers who are not LFF-trained players - for the first to the eighth player 3000 EUR, but for each subsequent 8000 EUR. The current rules provide for payments of EUR 1000 (players 1-8), EUR 3000 (players 9-11) and EUR 5000 (each subsequent).
Patingėjau iškirpti, bet ten turbūt ir pagrindinis skirtumas yra paminėtas - Latvijoje dėl taisyklių pakeitimų detalių tariasi ir balsuoja klubai ir federacija pasirašo bei įgyvendina, o Lietuvoje ‐ VK. Ir klubai aršiai savo Liberum privilegiją gina.
Virslīgas clubs outraged over expensive registration of foreign players, LFF not going to give in

At the end of last year, the Latvian Football Federation board decided to increase the registration fee for foreign players from 3,000 euros to 8,000 euros in the new Virsliga season. The Virsliga management and clubs are not satisfied with this. The Virsliga management believes that these changes will be especially painful for the so-called second five clubs.

The president of the Latvian Football Federation, Vadims Łashenko, emphasizes that the clubs will receive on average 300 thousand euros in solidarity payments from UEFA, and there will not be a problem to cover such costs, while the chairman of the board of the Latvian Football Premier League, Maksims Krivuņecs, has the opposite opinion.

Last year, there were about 150 foreign football players in the Virsliga, this season there will be at least 100 of them. The LFF's income from this fund will therefore be about 800 thousand euros. How these funds will be used will be decided at the board meeting on January 17.

Pranešimai: 9372
Užsiregistravo: 2015 Bal 02 17:57

Re: Futbolas Latvijoje

2025 Sau 08 06:39

Latvian national football team captain Kristers Tober, 24, is close to a move to Aberdeen, the fourth-placed club in the Scottish Premier League, and the deal could be worth close to one million euros.

Scottish journalist Anthony Joseph reports that talks between Swiss club Grasshoppers and Scottish club Aberdeen are nearing completion. The deal is said to be worth £800,000 (€963,000). Joseph says the clubs hope to reach an agreement by the end of this week. ... tvijas_izl

"Liepāja", which finished only sixth last year, has purchased striker Bruno Melnis from "Metta" for 150 thousand euros ... ojas_150_t football columnist Edmunds Novickis stated on his Patreon account that "Liepāja" paid between 100 and 200 thousand euros for Bruno Melnis, but the portal knows that the amount is exactly 150 thousand euros.

Pranešimai: 9372
Užsiregistravo: 2015 Bal 02 17:57

Re: Futbolas Latvijoje

2025 Sau 08 06:40

"Auda" paziņo par šķiršanos no visa treneru korpusa ... uda_pazino_

Neither head coach Zorans Zeļkovičs nor his assistants Boruts Semlers and Džengi Čavuševičs will remain at Auda, nor will goalkeeping coach Dino Šermets, fitness coach Matičs Čoko, and analyst Makss Gantars.

The Slovenians joined Auda in the second half of last season and led the team to the bronze position in the Virsliga. After Zeļkovičs' arrival, the team reached the third round of the UEFA Conference League qualification, as well as the Latvian Cup final.

Pranešimai: 9372
Užsiregistravo: 2015 Bal 02 17:57

Re: Futbolas Latvijoje

2025 Sau 08 06:56

RFS President in big interview: "There was a fear that there would be zero goals in the Europa League" ... vasara_bij


"I could be wrong by a million. Yes, it sounds silly to say that, but we really haven't put the whole season together yet"

"What Verpakovskis said in an interview that, despite the Eurocup bonus of about five million, we will end the year with zeros, is true," said Milovs. "Why is that? First, our budget has grown significantly in two years. Second, this year we will pay out quite large bonuses. Yes, I can say approximately - I think they will be worth 1-1.2 million euros. The leading players will receive around 50-60 thousand, roughly speaking. So, out of these five Euro Cup millions, one will already go to bonuses."

"Then, don't forget that there are 4-5 flights with hotels, and each is worth 60-100 thousand. There will also be a camp in Spain, where we will be 10 days before the game against Maccabi. Such things add up, and when you add them up, the net income from UEFA is much lower than it looks," Milovs explained.

"There are also salaries, infrastructure, other expenses, and then in the end it really comes down to that - zeros in the budget. Maybe a couple more transfers will come, then maybe there will be a season with a plus sign financially. I'm telling you all this from memory and I could be wrong by a million. Yes, it sounds silly to say that - "wrong by a million". But we simply haven't had the moment yet when we sit down and add up all the pluses and minuses in the overall balance sheet. There will also be some income from points in the Europa League games, but we will also pay bonuses to the team from them. For example, we also paid bonuses for the Latvian Cup, although the Latvian Cup essentially gave us nothing. Yes, there is one more title in the club's description, but it doesn't change anything in our bank account."

"Another thing is income from ticket sales. This is the first season we've worked so seriously with it. I don't know all the details there either, just the general picture. Maybe when all the numbers are compiled, there will be a positive surprise that we've earned more than we expected. So Māris's answer about us having zero budget is true. He also does those interviews much better than I do," the RFS president smiled. "In addition, as the club's general director, Māris is much more directly involved in all the club's costs and money matters. I might look at something there once a month or two to see how it looks overall, but he works with it all the time."

On "Riga"'s big budget and still being left without a title

"The difference in budgets between "Riga" and the others is, of course, quite large. I've thought about it a lot," admitted RFS President Artjoms Milovs. "Here you need to understand that for the first million you can create the foundations of a team and a good team can be assembled, with which you can already fight for something. With the second million you can already guarantee yourself the European Cups, of course, with exceptional cases. If you already have a budget of four million, then you already need to fight for the title. Namely, the idea is that with each next million invested or each next 100 thousand your chances of becoming a champion increase, this probability becomes greater, but with each next million this increase becomes smaller and smaller."

"I would even say that there comes a limit where this probability no longer increases, maybe even decreases. For example, a budget of seven million - if you go beyond that, then your players may already be too good for this level, their level is higher than necessary, and they may lose motivation to play here. Therefore, I would say that in Latvian football there is such a golden number, a golden mean, with which to build a club's budget. Compared to "Riga", yes, we have a smaller budget, but does that larger budget still provide any additional contribution? Yes, there is no doubt about one thing - if you do make a mistake with the team composition, then a larger budget allows you to correct these mistakes faster and rearrange the composition, buy new players," said Milovs.

"They would have only received 40% from Emerson's transfer"

"It's true that Emerson left RFS for free," the club president confirmed. "There were several circumstances. Let's start with the fact that I also think it's time for him to try himself at a different level. Why didn't we try to make money with a transfer?

We had an offer from Denmark last August, I think for 900 thousand euros, almost a million. But at that time Ilich left, and we were fighting for the title at that time, and we were sure - if we let both of them go, we wouldn't win."

"In the winter, we started negotiations about extending the contract, but by then he wasn't that interested anymore, because he already knew - if the contract was ending soon, he could already think about the next club. We could have interested him with more money and extended the contract. But there was a circumstance that we would only own 40% of the total amount from his transfer anyway. We calculated that this investment would end up being similar to what we could get from the transfer, and we decided that we would use Emerson this season. But he got injured, and that didn't work out for us either. There were many factors, but the main thing was that we would only get 40% of his transfer. If we sold him for a million, we would have 400 thousand left," Milovs explained.

"As far as I know, he will go to Japan. Some might say that this is not a super level, but, in my opinion, it is high enough, and with very good financial conditions. I don't know the exact numbers, but as far as I know, this contract will allow him to secure his future."

"Ikaunieks doesn't distinguish between big and small games, and that's an important thing"

"I hope that Ikaunieks will not leave this winter," continued the RFS president. "That is my selfish opinion. Would it be better for the Latvian national team if he were a player in a higher-level league? Yes, provided that he really plays there. If he ends up in a higher-level club where he is not allowed to play, then it will hardly be good for the national team. Meanwhile, with RFS this season, he had, it seems, about 20 really high-level games, in which there was intrigue, level, etc. For example, in the foreign teams where Ikaunieks was before, he did not have so many such games."

"I want to emphasize, so that there is no misunderstanding - my hope that Ikaunieks will not leave is really from the standpoint of our club, and not about Ikaunieks' career personally," said Milovs. "We have already been left without Marhijev, Emerson in the offseason... we would not want to lose another such important player at all. Yes, we will still have the core of the squad, but Jānis does not distinguish between big and small games, and this is an important and special thing. Many other players, however, have such a classification, albeit unconsciously, but Jānis is almost equally disposed towards all opponents, including against the 1st league teams in the Latvian Cup."

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