Gediminas Kruša

Moderatorius: Respublik

Pranešimai: 9418
Užsiregistravo: 2015 Bal 02 17:57

Gediminas Kruša

2018 Rgp 10 15:59

From Lithuania to Tassie: Midfielder’s incredible journey to FFA Cup glory with Devonport ... -devonport

He’s been teammates with a Brazilian FIFA World Cup star and played professionally in Europe for more than a decade. The name Gediminas Krusa might be new to most football fans outside of Devonport but the Lithuanian midfielder looms as the ace in the pack for the Strikers in their FFA Cup Round of 16 clash against Avondale on Tuesday 21 August.

Krusa, a youth international with Lithuania, is in his first season with the Tasmanian club after playing professionally in his home country, Poland, and Estonia since 2006.

It was during those years he played alongside former Barcelona midfielder Paulinho – who played all five games for Brazil at the recent FIFA World Cup - while also coming up against the likes of Liverpool star Georginio Wijnaldum and Polish keeper Wojciech Szczesny.

But Krusa is enjoying the new chapter in his career in Tassie, helping the Strikers make their mark on the national stage.

Playing with a Samba star

Krusa began his professional career at a club from the Lithuanian capital – FC Vilnius – who recruited a number of Brazilians at the time, including a teenage Paulinho.

“He was one of about 10 Brazilians we had there at the time. He was only about 18 and you wouldn’t have said he was going to be a big star or play for Brazil national team at that time but he worked very hard,” Krusa said of the ex-Barca and current Guangzhou Evergrande midfielder. “We had a pretty good team, we were fighting for top spot in the league at that time but later our club had some financial problems. They went bankrupt and Paulinho went to play in Poland. It’s good to see what he has done in his career in Brazil, and then going to Tottenham and Barcelona...but starting in Lithuania.”

Like his former Brazilian teammate, Krusa also ventured across the border to play in Poland with Wigry Suwalki during his career, while having a short stint in Estonia with Sillamae Kalev.

“It was very physical football, very difficult and a completely different style, a lot of fight on the pitch,” he said of those experiences. “It was a very good experience for me. I would say it’s pretty similar to here (Australia), the referees let a lot go.”

Making the move to Tassie

After the end of the 2017 season with Koralas Klaipeda in Lithuania, Krusa was eager to take on a new challenge abroad and decided on moving to Tasmania.

And thanks to a quick search on Google, was soon in touch with officials from Devonport Strikers.

“I was looking for opportunities on the internet. I contacted someone from the Football Federation of Tasmania and he gave me some contacts of the clubs, some coaches and presidents,” Krusa explained. “I contacted Devonport and in maybe two hours we talked about everything and they invited me to come down.”

And the 27-year-old box-to-box midfielder has fallen in love with the city which is situated on the mouth of the Mersey River and has a population of just over 30,000 people. “It’s an amazing city. All the people are very warm, they have helped me a lot to feel at home here, it’s like a family to us,” he said. “Tasmania is a beautiful state with many national parks, with beautiful nature so I’m really enjoying it. It’s a quiet place, very peaceful so I’m really enjoying that.”

Playing in the Hyundai A-League?

While enjoying the new chapter in his career in Tassie, Krusa admits he hasn’t given up on playing professionally again and would love to play at the highest level in Australia. He would be just the second Lithuanian to feature in the Hyundai A-League should he get that chance, following on from Darvydas Sernas at Perth Glory in 2014.

“It would be a great experience to play at a higher level here, nothing is impossible,” Krusa admitted. “I’m looking forward to finishing the season, finishing it strong and then take a look for the future.”

Keeping FFA Cup dream alive against Avondale

For now, Krusa’s sole focus is on Devonport’s Round of 16 clash against Victorian NPL heavyweights Avondale at ABD Stadium on Tuesday night.

While the Strikers have already eliminated Victorian opposition with their 3-1 win at Northcote City in the Round of 32, Avondale – currently third in the NPL – will provide a sterner test.

“They are one of the best teams in NPL in the whole of Australia and a really strong team but I don’t think it’s impossible to beat them,” Krusa declared. “We will have a good plan for the game and if we play our best game on that day I think we have a great chance to get a good result. It will be hard. We know they have some players who have played in the A-League but in football when you start the game it’s 0-0 so we have a chance. It’s great we’re in the Cup and we have this opportunity to show ourselves.”

Pranešimai: 9418
Užsiregistravo: 2015 Bal 02 17:57

Gediminas Kruša

2020 Bal 12 11:54

G.Krušos karjeros laiptai:
2006-2009 m. „Vilnius“
2009-2010 m. „Vėtra“
2010-2011 m. „Klaipėda“
2011 m. Suvalkų „Wigry“ (Lenkija)
2011 m. Silamejės „Kalev“ (Estija)
2012 m. „Palanga“
2012-2015 m. „Atlantas“
2015-2016 m. „Klaipėdos granitas“
2016 m. „Šilutė“
2017 m. „Dainava“
2017 m. Klaipėdos „Koralas“
2018 m. Devenporto „Strikers“ (Australija)
2019 m. Gargždų „Banga“
2020 m. Devenporto „Strikers“ (Australija)

Lietuvos žaidėją Australijoje stebina solidžios išmokos ir džiugina per pandemiją gimusi dukra ... 24-1302654

Gediminui Krušai pandemija ir karantinas sutapo su ypač svarbiu įvykiu asmeniniame gyvenime. Lietuvos 29 metų futbolininkas sulaukė pirmagimės ir papasakojo, kaip nuo COVID-19 žmonės saugosi Australijoje.

Pandemijos įkarštyje gimė dukra

Per karjerą dešimtyje Lietuvos klubų, mūsų šalies jaunimo rinktinėse, o taip pat trumpai Lenkijoje ir Estijoje žaidęs saugas pirmą kartą Australijoje atsidūrė 2018 metais. Tada Devenporto „Strikers“ ekipai lietuvis padėjo laimėti Australijos antrosios lygos Tasmanijos valstijos pirmenybes ir toli nukeliauti taurės varžybose (apie 800 komandų turnyre pasiekė aštuntfinalį).

Australijos komanda siūlė pasilikti, bet dėl nežinios su viza, jis nusprendė sugrįžti į Lietuvą, kur pernai atstovavo Gargždų komandai.

Tačiau Australijoje užsimezgusi pažintis su mergina tęsėsi – iš pradžių ji atvyko į Lietuvą ir praleido mėnesį drauge, o 2019 metų pabaigoje jau G.Kruša sugrįžo pas draugę ir pažįstamą aplinką, priėmęs „Launceston City“ pasiūlymą. Australijoje, koronaviruso pandemijos įkarštyje, prieš kelias dienas, jis su mylimąja susilaukė pirmagimės.

„Pasaulis nušvito kitomis spalvomis, – sakė G.Kruša. – Esu labai laimingas, jog turėjau galimybę dalyvauti gimdyme, nors dėl viruso padėtis ligoninėse keitėsi kasdien.“

Viskas vyko pamažu, tuo metu, kai Lietuvoje jau buvo įvestas karantinas, Australijoje dar tekėjo įprastas gyvenimas.“

Tačiau vis daugiau durų pradėjo vertis ir 25 mln. gyventojų šalyje Australijoje. Kovo 16 dieną turėjo prasidėti Australijos pirmenybės, bet dėl COVID-19 jos buvo atidėtos.

„Šiuo metu palaikau sportinę formą treniruodamasis asmeniškai, arba mažesnėmis grupėmis su komandos draugais, – pasakojo G.Kruša. – Buvau pradėjęs treniruoti ir vaikus, bet dėl pandemijos visos treniruotės atšauktos, šiuo metu leidžiama treniruoti vienu metu būnant dviem žmonėms.“

Tikisi futbolą pradėti žaisti anksčiau

Kalbėdamas su gydytoja per gimdymo dieną ligoninėje lietuvis išgirdo prognozę, kad sugrįžimas į įprasto gyvenimo vėžes užtruks – bent jau Australijos medikai įspėti, kad artimiausius šešis mėnesius liktų pasirengę pakitusiomis darbo sąlygomis.

Tačiau futbolas turėtų atgyti anksčiau, – tikisi G.Kruša.

Pranešimai: 9418
Užsiregistravo: 2015 Bal 02 17:57

Re: Gediminas Kruša

2021 Kov 08 21:48

Australijoje lietuvį stebina savanoriai tėvai ... 26-1466014

Per karjerą dešimtyje Lietuvos futbolo klubų, mūsų šalies jaunimo rinktinėse, taip pat trumpai Lenkijoje ir Estijoje žaidęs Gediminas Kruša nuo 2018 metų vis labiau jaučiasi savas Australijoje.

Prieš trejus metus su Devenporto „Strikers“ klubu kontraktą pasirašęs 30-metis lietuvis dabar treniruoja ir kitus. Vienas jo auklėtinių, jaunas vartininkas kaip tik gavo pasiūlymą prisidėti prie Sidnėjaus A lygos klubo „Central Coast Mariners“ ir, būdamas vos 12-os metų, galės tarp treniruočių studijuoti sporto mokslą.

„Australijoje sporto mokslas yra vienas stipriausių pasaulyje, – įsitikinęs G.Kruša. – Iš kitos pusės, Australijoje labai populiari yra ir savanorystė. Labai dažnas ir visai įprastas atvejis, kai jauno amžiaus (5–10 metų) vaikus treniruoja patys tėvai. Kartais jie patys pasako, kad nelabai gerai supranta, ką daro, tad man tokia sistema ne prie širdies, nes masiškumas dominuoja lyginant su kokybe.

O futbolo treneriams kursus rengia ir jaunus specialistus apmoko federacija. Sakyčiau, kad didžiausias skirtumas tarp Lietuvos ir Australijos būtų toks, kad, pasiekus aukštumų sporte ir tapus profesionalu, jau gauni tikrai geras sąlygas, nes sporto infastruktūra ir finansavimas yra kito lygio.“

Pranešimai: 9418
Užsiregistravo: 2015 Bal 02 17:57

Re: Gediminas Kruša

2021 Lie 23 03:52

NPL Tasmania: Launceston City midfielder Gedi Krusa reflects on footballing journey ... -tasmania/

The glut of teenagers in Launceston City's NPL Tasmania side are used to hearing barked advice with a Lithuanian accent. But as they attempt to cope with the rigours of the statewide competition, it is worth remembering the journey which delivered those words of wisdom to Prospect Park.

When Gediminas Krusa was their age, he was a Lithuanian under-19 international sitting on the bench as FK Vetra played a Europa League qualifier against a Fulham side featuring Socceroos great Mark Schwarzer which had just finished seventh in the English Premier League. Fulham won both legs 3-0 and would go all the way to the final against Atletico Madrid, although Krusa is still not happy with a controversial penalty converted by England international Danny Murphy.

After starting out with FK Atlantas in his home town of Klaipeda, the largest port in Lithuania, Krusa would go on to play in Latvia, Poland and Estonia before bringing his European experience to Devonport Strikers and Launceston City.

Now 30, he is the elder statesman in Lino Sciulli's youthful outfit and relishing his role as an on-field mentor.

"I feel I have a lot to offer them with my experience," Krusa said. "I can see mistakes being made which are easy to avoid. Sometimes players listen to that. My mentality is a bit different because I am not from Australia and in Europe you can tell young players how to play, but sometimes here it is too much for them. The saying 'time flies' is so true. I remember being their age and hearing older players trying to tell me what to do. But it is up to them to decide whether they want to listen or not. If they want to learn from mistakes, they can get better. My goal is to try and help everyone and make every player better."

Krusa is pivotal to City's structure, providing the midfield energy which enables youthful attackers like Will Fleming, Stef Tantari and Yasin Mohammadi to deliver the goals.

The athletic linkman was judged best player when City beat Riverside Olympic 5-1 earlier this month, a result which guarantees the Prospect side the Guardian Pharmacy Cup which the Northern rivals play for each season.

Having also come from 2-0 down to win 3-2 at home in round five, City go into Friday's derby brimming with confidence after three wins in their last four games.

Krusa, who divides his time between coaching Tassieroos youngsters and looking after his 16-month-old daughter Isabella, is pleased with the side's gradual improvement.

"We have a pretty young squad which is always tricky but we have climb a bit up the ladder and I feel we are improving players and can keep getting better."

Krusa, who has also played for Magpies Crusaders in NPL Queensland since coming to Australia in late 2017, said he owes his impressive levels of fitness to a track and field background.

"I did athletics training which made a big change to my game. I even competed in a few international competitions and did really well over 800m and 400m. The coach said if I trained just for it I could become a good 800m to 1km runner because I had good aerobic capacity."

Despite his lengthy journey, Krusa maintains the fundamentals change little.

"Each country is very different. The game is so much more physical (in Europe) and even rules are a bit different here. It is a new thing to adapt to that and challenging but it is my third year playing in Australia and I'm getting used to it.

In football you need technique, physicality, fitness and tactical understanding and if you don't have all of those, your game won't work."

Gedi on ...
Stef Tantari
"When I was playing at Devonport he came to train with us and someone said about a young guy coming from Launceston and to be nice to him. He could make a lot better level but needs to listen and try and make his weaknesses his strengths. He can become a lot better player if he wants to."

Will Fleming
"He is very quick but not very strong yet. But I remember how I evolved from being a skinny player when I was young. And I remember many players of 17-18 who are not very strong so work on other parts of their game. He needs to educate himself on the tactical side and decision-making. That can be a lot more important than skills or fitness."

Yasin Mohammadi
"He's pretty professional, plays a lot of futsal and is one of the most skilful players in our team. He has amazing technique and left-footed players are essential on the market. If he could become more universal on the pitch and play a couple of other positions, maybe defensive positions, he can become a much better player and maybe a pro one day."

Pranešimai: 9418
Užsiregistravo: 2015 Bal 02 17:57

Re: Gediminas Kruša

2021 Lie 23 04:03

Kruša 2020m. liepą persikėlė iš Devonport į NPL Tasmania (tas pats čempionatas, tiktai buvęs klubas lyderiai, o naujasis autsaideriai) Launceston City. Visgi sezone žaidė vos 3 kartus dėl traumos.
JUNE 30 2020
New coach Roger Hardwicke is excited to see how English imports and housemates Sam Ridgard and Rob Gerrard will gel on the pitch and although their compatriot Louis Anthony headed back to the UK when COVID-19 hit, the club has since picked up Gediminas Krusa as its third import.

The Lithuanian midfielder played an integral part in Devonport's historic FFA Cup win against Northcote City in 2018 before leaving the club later that season. ... er-season/ ... nt-finish/
The untimely foot injury which restricted the experienced and energetic Gedi Krusa to just three league appearances also hit the team hard while Ridgard and Gerrard had issues with injury and authority respectively.

P14, W1, D1, L12; GF13, GA32, GD-19, Pts 4 ... fulfilled/

2021 m. pradžioje persikėlė į tą NPL Queensland lygos Magpies Crusaders klubą. ... wn-rivals/

Ir tada gegužę sugrįžo atgal į Launceston City.
MAY 12 2021
Two familiar and distinctive names were back on the teamsheets for the two Northern NPL Tasmania sides last week. Gedi Krusa and Luca Vigilante returned from travels and injury respectively to provide a similarly industrious defensive midfield presence for Launceston City and Riverside. ... eamsheets/
Krusa was cup tied for City's Lakoseljac semi-final loss to Glenorchy but coach Lino Sciulli said the former Devonport Striker has been a priceless addition since returning from a month playing in Queensland.

"He's a good player and wanted by a lot of clubs because he's very skilful and gets through a lot of work," Sciulli said. "He talks to the young guys and it's good to have that old head in a young side. And sometimes they listen to him." ... n-the-arm/

Pranešimai: 9418
Užsiregistravo: 2015 Bal 02 17:57

Re: Gediminas Kruša

2022 Bal 03 22:08

Toliau žaidžia už Launceston City.

Recruits put clubs on map
NPL Tasmania preview ... bs-on-map/
While Fidra has only just turned 18, Albert Amankwaa is a 35-year-old centre-forward and university lecturer who hails from Africa, arrived from Gosnells City in Western Australia and also caused the Zebras plenty of headaches on Saturday.

"He's a well-chiselled, strong guy and he's good," Sciulli explained.

Completing the trifecta of new attacking options was South American Adrian Paez, who replaced Amankwaa after 56 minutes and sparked City's late turnaround with their third goal 13 minutes from time.

With established English striker Dan Smith bagging a brace, Lithuanian Gedi Krusa orchestrating affairs in midfield and the promise of more recruits to come, City's cosmopolitan squad packs enough promise to suggest a lively upcoming campaign with Sciulli happy to be along for the ride.

"We've got some good people here at the moment," he added. "It's a work in progress and all about keeping them in the right frame of mind when we're not doing well, that's the hard part with this group because they can get a bit niggly sometimes.

"I've learned from last year that wherever we are, if we're one goal down I always feel confident that we'll get that back. Two or three and we're probably out of the game. But it was a very good game. For the neutral, the league needs games like that."

Pranešimai: 80
Užsiregistravo: 2018 Spa 22 21:52
Palaikoma komanda: Polonia Varšuva
Miestas: Varšuva

Re: Gediminas Kruša

2022 Geg 08 20:22

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