2018/2019 Plock Wisla (Lenkija) Ekstraklasa - 6 rungtynės (5 startinėje sudėtyje);
Justinas Marazas
2000 02 29
Moderatorius: Respublik
Nu jo keliasi Dėl to ir buvo keista, na bet gal taip ir geriau atsižvelgiant į amžių, telieka tuomet palinkėti sėkmės užsikabinti.Dabar futbolininkas yra skolinamas su galimybe kontraktą išpirkti.
Kibu Vicuñii. - Justinas is a fast, left-footed player, who played mainly on the right side, but of course he can also appear on the left or in the middle on the "ten". He feels good in a combination game, he was always a goal-shooter even though he is not a striker. He also has a good shot from a distance, he is hard-working and young, but when we played matches in the qualification of the Europa League even with Partizan Belgrade played well - he was characterized by a Spanish coach.