Pranešimai: 8734
Užsiregistravo: 2015 Bal 02 17:57

Re: Tarptautinių organizacijų aktualijos

2021 Bal 12 17:51

Žinutė dar iš tų laikų kol nebuvau šitos temos sukūręs, bet planuojama jau paleisti šį projektą šiais metais


It has long been established that clubs who coach players between the ages of 12 and 23 are due compensation for their efforts if the player goes on to become a professional. This comes in the form of Training Compensation (paid when a player is registered for the first time as a professional or if a player is transferred between clubs of different associations before their 23rd birthday) or in the form of Solidarity Contributions (paid when a professional is transferred before the expiry of a contract).

However, the money simply isn’t flowing to the places where it should.

“When a player is transferred, the club that signs the player has the obligation to divide 5% of the value of the transfer amongst the clubs that trained the player between the ages of 12 and 23, but this doesn’t happen,” FIFA’s Chief Legal Officer Emilio García said at the 2019 World Football Summit event held in Madrid in September, where he also explained to the audience just how large the gap is between the fees due in Solidarity Contributions and Training Compensation and those actually paid.

In 2018, for example, $351.5m was due to be distributed in Solidarity Contributions, but just $67.7m was actually forked out. That’s just 19.3%. Worryingly, this percentage has been decreasing over recent years; in 2013 it was up at 28.1%. While still not nearly high enough, that was a lot better than the situation in the current transfer market, a market that is experiencing drastic change. “The system that previously worked and that has been working now needs to be revised,” García said of FIFA’s Regulations on the Status and Transfer of Players.

FIFA’s solution is for the governing body to centralise and to take greater oversight of the distribution of these payments. FIFA’s Clearing House, a separate entity that will be set up under the full control of the governing body, is a project that was approved in October of 2018 and a tender has just been held to find partners with the financial and technical expertise to help FIFA manage these funds.

While García couldn’t commit to a date as he was asked when the new system might be rolled out by World Football Summit’s interviewer David Álvarez, a journalist at El País, he did reveal that the winter window of the 2020-21 season could be the first one to function using the Clearing House. Whenever it is put into action, the smaller clubs who put in the hours and hours of coaching time to develop the star players of the future stand to benefit.

“The money is being kept away from the clubs that have really developed the players,” García said of the current situation. “There is clearly a huge gap and what we’re going to try to do with the Clearing House is to tackle this”.

Through electronic player passports that follow players from the age of 12, FIFA will be able to accurately monitor where a player has been developed and then ensure that these institutions, no matter how big or small, are compensated if they are ever due compensation for that player. While it’s easy for the first clubs that developed high-profile superstars like Eden Hazard or João Félix to learn of their former players’ latest moves, not all transfers hit the frontpages and clubs often don’t even know about all the transfers they could be chasing up.

So FIFA are removing the need for them to chase up such payments.

It’s vital, therefore, for information to be accurately recorded through the electronic passports and the FIFA Digital Football Registration and Transfer Suite, which is why free technology tools are being offered to assist the national associations.

And what if clubs fail to deposit the sufficient amounts with FIFA and their partners? In such a case, there will be sanctions.

“We’re currently studying the possibilities, but the first one we’re looking at is closing access to the transfer market for clubs who refuse to transfer the amount for the clubs who developed the player”, García said, sending a message as to just how seriously FIFA is taking this issue.

Pranešimai: 8734
Užsiregistravo: 2015 Bal 02 17:57

Re: Tarptautinių organizacijų aktualijos

2021 Bal 12 18:06

Atsiprašau kad kažkur pamečiau linką šito dokumento, bet iš FIFA archyvų informacija.

FIFA Clearing House process
1- International and domestic transfers, as well as first professional registrations, will trigger training compensation and solidarity contribution where applicable.

2- At the moment the player is registered, member associations of the training clubs of the player provide registration information for the electronic player passport through an automatic electronic interface.

3- The FIFA Clearing House entity will invoice the new club and distribute training rewards to the training clubs of the player.

Training Rewards Triggers
1 - International Transfer – Solidarity contribution + Training compensation
2 - Domestic Transfer – Solidarity contribution (with changes in FIFA’s regulations 2020)
3 - First Professional Registration – Training compensation

Pranešimai: 8734
Užsiregistravo: 2015 Bal 02 17:57

Re: Tarptautinių organizacijų aktualijos

2021 Bal 19 08:51

Oficialiai paskelbė ... per-league

UEFA grasinimų neišgirdo – pajėgiausi Europos klubai įkūrė naują Superlygos turnyrą ... os-turnyra

Nepaisant visų UEFA bandymų sustabdyti, 12-os klubų įkurta Europos Superlyga sekmadienio naktį išplatino savo pranešimą apie naujo turnyro įkūrimą, kuris turėtų pakeisti UEFA Čempionų lygą.

Jame teigiama, kad „Manchester United“, „Manchester City“, „Chelsea“, „Arsenal“, „Tottenham“, „Liverpool“, Madrido „Real“, „Barcelona“, „Atletico“, Milano „Inter“, Turino „Juventus“ ir „AC Milan“ ekipos tampa Superlygos kūrėjais ir uždarame turnyre žais kasmet.

Pranešime užsiminta, kad Superlygos atstovai dar nori sėsti deryboms su UEFA ir FIFA organizacijomis. Galbūt didieji Europos klubai šia oficialia Superlygos įkūrimo korta bandys pasinaudoti derybose su UEFA dėl gerokai didesnio Čempionų lygos prizinio fondo kąsnio.

UEFA pirmadienį planavo specialią spaudos konferenaciją, kurios metu turėjo būti pranešamą apie Čempionų lygos turnyro pokyčius ir naują grupių etapo formatą, kuris būtų leidęs pajėgiausiais klubams tarpusavyje sužaisti daugiau rungtynių sezone ir uždirbti daugiau pinigų.

Pranešimai: 8734
Užsiregistravo: 2015 Bal 02 17:57

Re: Tarptautinių organizacijų aktualijos

2021 Bir 24 23:55

Abolition of the away goals rule in all UEFA club competitions ... petitions/

Following the recommendation of the UEFA Club Competitions Committee and the UEFA Women’s Football Committee, the UEFA Executive Committee has today approved a proposal to remove the so-called away goals rule from all UEFA club competitions (men, women and youth) as of the qualifying phases of the 2021/22 competitions.

The away goals rule was applied to determine the winner of a two-legged knockout tie in cases where the two teams had scored the same number of goals on aggregate over the two matches. In such cases, the team which had scored the higher number of goals away from home was considered the winner of the tie and qualified for the next round of the competition. If the two teams had scored the same number of goals at home and away at the end of normal playing time in the second leg, extra time was played, followed by kicks from the penalty mark if no goal was scored.

With the decision to remove this rule, ties in which the two teams score the same number of goals over the two legs would be not decided on the number of goals scored away, but two 15-minute periods of extra time are played at the end of the second leg and in case the teams score the same number of goals or no goals during this extra time, kicks from the penalty mark would determine the team which qualifies to the next stage of the competition.

Since away goals would no longer be given additional weight to decide a tie, they would also be removed from the criteria used to determine the rankings when two or more teams are equal on points in the group stage i.e. the criteria applied to matches played by the teams in question. They would not be removed from the additional criteria applied to all group matches if the teams remain equal (higher number of away goals scored in all group matches), in order to retain a maximum number of sporting criteria.

Commenting on the abolishment of the away goals rule, UEFA President Aleksander Čeferin said:

“The away goals rule has been an intrinsic part of UEFA competitions since it was introduced in 1965. However, the question of its abolition has been debated at various UEFA meetings over the last few years. Although there was no unanimity of views, many coaches, fans and other football stakeholders have questioned its fairness and have expressed a preference for the rule to be abolished.”

Mr Čeferin added: “The impact of the rule now runs counter to its original purpose as, in fact, it now dissuades home teams – especially in first legs – from attacking, because they fear conceding a goal that would give their opponents a crucial advantage. There is also criticism of the unfairness, especially in extra time, of obliging the home team to score twice when the away team has scored.”

“It is fair to say that home advantage is nowadays no longer as significant as it once was,“ the UEFA President concluded. “Taking into consideration the consistency across Europe in terms of styles of play, and many different factors which have led to a decline in home advantage, the UEFA Executive Committee has taken the correct decision in adopting the view that it is no longer appropriate for an away goal to carry more weight than one scored at home.”

Pranešimai: 8734
Užsiregistravo: 2015 Bal 02 17:57

Re: Tarptautinių organizacijų aktualijos

2021 Lie 16 23:13

UEFA explores expanding European Championship to 32 teams ... eeec8639ab

UEFA is starting to analyze the feasibility of 32 of its 55 member nations contesting the European Championship from 2028, people with knowledge of the process told The Associated Press.

The review of the format comes as the bidding process is being put in place for Euro 2028 with a decision on the hosting set to come by the end of 2023.

Pranešimai: 8734
Užsiregistravo: 2015 Bal 02 17:57

Re: Tarptautinių organizacijų aktualijos

2021 Rgs 03 16:25

What is football's new handball law?

Pranešimai: 8734
Užsiregistravo: 2015 Bal 02 17:57

Re: Tarptautinių organizacijų aktualijos

2021 Rgs 22 19:16

What has Fifa said about the international calendar?

Currently there is a 80-20 per cent split in favour of club football in the schedule. Fifa’s plans would keep that, but scrub the international windows regularly cutting into the domestic game, which is a burden for club managers.

The status quo is five international breaks (September, October, November, March), plus the off-season when tournament commitments allow.

For the way forward, Fifa has proposed two options: one window for the entirety of October, or two windows in October and March.

Fifa calculates there will be fewer days needed for qualifiers – around six of them – which will lead to an earlier finish in the club season, meaning players will get a longer break. Managers – both at domestic and international level – will have their players for longer and with a less disruptive fixture list. ... 17017.html

Pranešimai: 8734
Užsiregistravo: 2015 Bal 02 17:57

Re: Tarptautinių organizacijų aktualijos

2021 Rgs 22 19:28

"Reiktų" paskaičiuoti kiek yra šalių čempionatų prasidedančių nuo pavasario pasaulyje, nes realiai išskėlimas pusės langų į Kovą būtų žiauriai neparankus tokioms šalims kaip Lietuvai.

O kitas FIFA pasirinkimas pavogti patį geriausią laiką iš UEFA varžybų grupių etapo (ir kitų žemynų kontinentinių) tai jaučiu irgi bus nušvilptas ir labai nepalankus klubams.

Gerai, kad Lietuvoje bent jaų maniežų statybos projektai stumiasi į priekį, tai bent jau galimybė sugrąžinti A Lygą į ruduo-pavasaris nuo 2025 m. turėtų egzistuoti, kad ir kiek nemaloni.

Pranešimai: 8734
Užsiregistravo: 2015 Bal 02 17:57

Re: Tarptautinių organizacijų aktualijos

2021 Spa 22 19:56

The Nordic Football Association (Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Iceland & Faroe Islands) have made a joint statement that they will consider leaving FIFA if a World Cup every two years is agreed. ... f99f2a7358

Pranešimai: 8734
Užsiregistravo: 2015 Bal 02 17:57

Re: Tarptautinių organizacijų aktualijos

2021 Spa 29 04:17

Football's five-substitutes option set to be made permanent ... 91441.html

Football competitions can decide to make the originally temporary five-substitutes rule permanent, the sport's rule-making body IFAB recommended on Wednesday.

The decision to permanently amend football's laws came at a virtual FIFA-chaired IFAB meeting following requests from different confederations, associations and leagues.

The option of using five replacements was introduced in May 2020 to alleviate the strain on players as the coronavirus pandemic upended sporting calendars and congested fixture lists, raising fears for player welfare. Earlier this year IFAB's board of directors extended the temporary amendment to football's laws allowing domestic and international competitions to use five substitutes to December 31, 2022.

Pranešimai: 8734
Užsiregistravo: 2015 Bal 02 17:57

Re: Tarptautinių organizacijų aktualijos

2021 Lap 29 10:34

However, a little-known FIFA rule dramatically put an end to Kilman’s prospects of playing for Ukraine just as he was set to join up with the squad. The rule states that a player is tied to a sporting nationality if they have played in an official competitive match, regardless of the type of football played. This could mean either association football, beach soccer or, in Kilman’s case, futsal.

Pranešimai: 8734
Užsiregistravo: 2015 Bal 02 17:57

Re: Tarptautinių organizacijų aktualijos

2021 Gru 12 15:55

SPECIAL REPORT: One agent pocketed £16MILLION from a £20M transfer as FIFA bids to clean up 'wild west' culture among intermediaries with new regulations... but middlemen are preparing to launch legal action ... gents.html
A raft of reforms has already passed through three stages of FIFA Council approval. The headline changes — which have met with fierce opposition from agents — will involve capping any agents’ fees at 10 per cent of any transfer fee (paid by the selling club), and three per cent of a player’s wages, for contract negotiations.

Agents will be prohibited from working for two clubs in the same deal. All agents will have their names and contact details listed in a publicly-accessible database. Where data protection laws allow, all transactions will be made public, even if specific sums are not published.

From a redistributive point of view, every single international transfer will have to pass through an independent ‘clearing house’, as will all monies involved, and five per cent of all deals will trickle down to the clubs who developed the players involved in the first place.

Pranešimai: 8734
Užsiregistravo: 2015 Bal 02 17:57

Re: Tarptautinių organizacijų aktualijos

2021 Gru 19 12:53

UEFA Nations League: South American teams set to join in 2024 after talks between UEFA and CONMEBOL ... d-conmebol

Pranešimai: 8734
Užsiregistravo: 2015 Bal 02 17:57

Re: Tarptautinių organizacijų aktualijos

2021 Gru 19 13:01

Porto, Sporting Lisbon and Real Betis face UEFA competition exclusion if unpaid debts not settled by end of January ... of-january
Sanctions were handed down by UEFA's newly-established 'First Chamber of Club Financial Control Body' and all relate to unpaid debts.

Astana (Kazakhstan), CFR Cluj (Romania), CSKA Sofia (Bulgaria), Mons Calpe (Gibraltar), Real Betis (Spain) and Clube Desportivo Santa Clara (Portugal) were the other clubs to be punished.

As well as the fines, six of the clubs will be banned from the next European competition they qualify for if the overdue monies are not settled by January 31, 2022.

Pranešimai: 8734
Užsiregistravo: 2015 Bal 02 17:57

Re: Tarptautinių organizacijų aktualijos

2022 Sau 21 15:41

FIFA to introduce new loan regulations ... egulations

Following the decision passed by the FIFA Football Stakeholders Committee last year, the new regulations concerning loans of players in international football are now ready to be implemented. They will be submitted to the FIFA Council for approval at its next meeting with a view to their entering into force on 1 July 2022.

The new regulatory framework will include:
•A minimum loan duration, being the interval between two registration periods, and a maximum loan duration, being one year
•A prohibition on sub-loaning a professional player who is already on loan to a third club
•A limitation on the number of loans per season between the same clubs: at any given time during a season, a club may only have a maximum of three professionals loaned out to a single club and a maximum of three professionals loaned in from a single club
•A limitation on a club’s total number of loans per season. To ensure that this is implemented smoothly, there will be a transitional period as follows:
- From 1 July 2022 to 30 June 2023, a club may have a maximum of eight professionals loaned out and eight loaned in at any given time during a season.
- From 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2024, the same configuration applies but with a maximum of seven professionals.
- Finally, from 1 July 2024, the same configuration will apply but limited to a maximum of six professionals.

* Players aged 21 and younger and club-trained players will be exempt from these limitations.

At domestic level, FIFA’s member associations will be granted a period of three years to implement rules for a loan system that is in line with the principles established at international level.

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