Adjudicatory chamber of the independent Ethics Committee sanctions former members of the normalisation committee of the Venezuelan Football Association ... ons-former
8. condemning the Russian Federation’s aggression towards Ukraine, considering that the Russian Federation and Belarus should not be represented in international sport as long as this aggression continues, and committing to enable Ukrainians to participate in sport;
Uefa plans to trim down the size of qualification groups for the men’s 2028 European Championship due to a lack of interest from television broadcasters, according to The Times.
European soccer’s governing body also ditches plans to expand Euros to 32 teams from 24.
The recent Euro 2024 qualification draw produced seven groups of five countries, with a further three groups containing six teams. Under the current system, each country is set to play ten qualifiers for a place at Europe’s flagship men’s international soccer competition.
However, The Times report says that Uefa’s member associations have been presented with a new proposal to cut groups down to a maximum of four or five nations. The idea was put forward at a recent meeting held in Frankfurt. The new format could mean teams play just six games to qualify for the competition but would also continue to give smaller countries opportunities to play marquee matches against bigger nations.
A source in the meeting told The Times that the proposal is in reaction to feedback received from broadcasters.
If the new format is pushed through, The Times added that Uefa’s Nations League competition would also need altering in order to accommodate additional games between countries of a similar ranking.
One topic that was not discussed — publicly, anyway — at the general assembly was the fact that European Leagues itself has experienced some shrinkage, as Spain’s La Liga, one of its most prominent members, has recently left.
In his resignation letter, La Liga president Javier Tebas accused the organisation of failing to stand up for domestic football against the never-ending demands of the elite clubs, the growing influence of state-backed teams and increasing financial dominance of the Premier League.
Zambia’s High Court issued an injunction preventing FAZ’s annual general meeting (AGM) from taking place as scheduled on Saturday, which came after FAZ’s president and general secretary were arrested and charged with money laundering offences, including obtaining money by false pretences and conspiracy to defraud, last week.
FIFA had sent FAZ a letter — published on FAZ’s official social media account and dated Friday, April 26 — following the injunction ordered by the High Court, stating that a failure to hold the AGM “appears to clearly amount to undue influence by third parties”.
UEFA priėmė sprendimą, kad nuo šiol rungtynių metu su teisėju diskutuoti galės tik komandų kapitonai.<>Pridedama, kad jei rinktinės kapitonas yra vartininkas, tuomet turi būti paskirtas atsakingas žaidėjas aikštėje, kuris atliktų jam paskirtą kapitono vaidmenį diskusijai su arbitru.
UEFA will distribute more than €935 million of revenue from Euro2024 to its 55 member associations over the next four years. A further €331 million of prize money has been awarded to competing nations while €240 million was given to clubs who released players for the tournament.
UEFA said the Euro 2024 disbursements via the HatTrick programme are a 21% increase on 2020 and a new high water mark for the solidarity fund. ... 26-2303766– Bet ar sutinkate, kad reikia kadencijų ribojimo?
– Manau, kad įrašyti tai būtų galima. Nors Konstitucinis teismas yra išaiškinęs, kad negali valstybė versti visuomenines organizacijas įsirašyti vieną ar kitą dalyką į savo įstatus.
Kadencijų ribojimo pradininkai buvo skandinavai, kurie į tai žiūrėjo labai rimtai. Bet dabar jie keičia nuomonę, nes prasidėjus karui Ukrainoje paaiškėjo, kad skandinavai su savo dviem kadencijomis neturi visiškai jokios įtakos pasaulio bendruomenei, nes per dvi kadencijas nei Europoje, nei pasaulyje neįgauni jokios įtakos, dažniausiai nesi atrenkamas į jokį valdymo organą.
Tarptautinis olimpinis komitetas nacionaliniams komitetams rekomenduoja tris arba keturias kadencijas.<...> Buvau susitikusi su IOC prezidentu, konsultavausi su juo apie tai, nes turėjau šiokių tokių dvejonių. Jis užtikrino, kad jie patys suinteresuoti, jog IOC nariai liktų pozicijose, kurios turi didesnę įtaką ir šalyje, ir regione.